Monday, March 27, 2017

How Residuals Keep Your Health Plan Strong

Residuals were nearly one quarter of MPIPHP funding in 2016.
source: MPIPHP / Local 871 Pre-Retirement Seminar

I was talking with an artist the other day, and she asked "Why don't we get residuals? "We do," I said, "just not in the way you think."

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Saturday, March 18, 2017

How to Plan for Negotiations

Yesterday marked the end of the first week of the Writer's Guild negotiations with the AMPTP. The DGA has already concluded their negotiations, finishing up before the New Year. While we wait to see what happens next with the WGA, here are some takeaways regarding preparing for negotiations:

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Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Your Weingarten Rights

Weingarten Rights - this card may save your job!

As a union member, you have a right to union representation at certain meetings. Read more about the three rules that are collectively known as "Weingarten Rights".

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