Having seen only the trailer and not the film, I had no idea that Happy Feet was nothing more than an animated Al Gore film, destroying the soul and fabric of America. Thank God Glenn Beck is here to set me straight...
On the November 20 edition of his CNN Headline News program, Glenn Beck said that Happy Feet, an animated film about a dancing Emperor penguin, is "propaganda" and an "animated version of An Inconvenient Truth." Beck then discussed the film with Bob Thompson, director of the Center for the Study of Popular Television at Syracuse University, who told Beck that "[o]f the 50,000 things affecting America's youth in negative ways today, I don't think the penguin movie is probably on that 50,000." Thompson then told Beck: "I don't think this story is going to get you a Peabody [Award]."
I thought Glenn was supposed to be the "common sense," "non-zombie" conservative. You know, the "guy who said what everbody is thinking." So why is Glenn whining about "liberal propaganda" in the new George Miller film? (Has Glenn whined about Mad Max and I somehow missed it?)
Because sorry, but I don't think everybody is thinking how Left-wing HF really is. I don't think most people consider Ice Age 2 a diatribe against global warming, or Bambi some anti-hunting tract. They're movies. With heroes and villains. With beginnings, middles and ends. With plot devices. I don't think most people spend much time considering the weighty question of whether Albert Gore, Jr., approves Happy Feet's message. Beyond which, I don't think people really give two craps, one way or the other.
I don't know why Glenn is in such a dither anyway. We all know that the polar ice caps are expanding like mad, and that this penguin picture is just some deranged, Australian lib's dark fantasy. So why worry?
On Fox News, Neil Cavuto went into a similar lather.
More about the history of right-wing attacks on animated cartoons here.
Speaking of gobbling turkeys, Happy Thanksgiving!
What's funny is that there's not even the tiniest reference to global warming or melting polar ice. There is a huge environmental message, about overfishing, but that relates to An Inconvienent Truth how?
I thought Glenn was supposed to be the "common sense," "non-zombie" conservative. You know, the "guy who said what everbody is thinking." So why is Glenn whining about "liberal propaganda" in the new George Miller film?
Because he's a dick?
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