Kevin posted about the party yesterday, now here's another version.
The music of the Martini Kings was great.
The extra room was a welcome addition.
The food line was way too long for far too long and we needed more stations.

Vice-President Earl Kress (far right) convenes an informal meeting.
I spent a lot of time at the gift table, sorting and handing out gifts. President Emeritus Sito bent to the task of autographing 700 copies of his book Drawing the Line (and here autographing one for animation veteran Lee Guttman)...

President Koch (with the Santa hat, below) was omnipresent, working the gift table, chatting up guests, working to untangle the problem with the food line...

All in all, I think most people (the thousand and a half that were there) had a good time. It was a chance for the veterans to catch up with folks they hadn't seen in a while, an opportunity for newcomers to see the breadth and diversity of the animation community, and a chance for me to develop atrophied muscles by lifting boxes at the gift table...

And the Martini Kings played on...
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