I overlooked this in yesterday's links post: Jerry Seinfeld expounds on plunging back into filmmaking with the Bee Movie:
"The deal with computer animation is that it's the most time-consuming puppet show you could possibly get involved in. But the effect of it in the end, after you go through it, is so spectacular, it's worth it. And, you know, each of these movies leap-frogs the one that came before it, in terms of technology. And this one is doing the same."
I've seen pretty much nothing of this feature (well, maybe one or two short animation loops, but outside of that, zippo.) The DreamWorks crew working on it has given me updates everytime I go over to the DW campus, and I'm interested in seeing the Seinfeld opus when it comes out later this fall. Final touches are being dabbed on the film, but I'm told it's pretty much done...
Update: Since offense has been taken at Jerry S.'s "puppet show" remark, here's a little balance: Ralph Bakshi from the ASIFA archives website dissing modern hand-drawn animation:
Early on, hand drawn was great- Fleischer's Popeye, Jim Tyer, Freddie Moore, Rod Scribner, Bill Tytla, Johnny Gent... the direct, fresh stuff. But then suddenly, along came "real good animation" with all its complication, and the long painful looks, big shrugs and sighs, batting eyelashes, cutesy pie phony crap until you want to vomit... Overnight, all the old greats were forced to either kill themselves, stay drunk all the time, or quickly fade away. Animation got saddled with a bunch of boring, repetitive, old fashioned, dumb cliches.
Is it me or is this a back-handed compliment to computer animator.
computer animation is that it's the most time-consuming puppet show you could possibly get involved in. But the effect of it in the end, after you go through it, is so spectacular, it's worth it.
Yeah, he's ripping on animators, animation and anything to do with the 3D/2D art form...and he's probably having lunch with Jim Hill next week to discuss ways to insult Pixar... My god, how could you possibly read any thing negitive out of that statement....oh, wait I forgot what blog site this is. Could we spend just a brief time looking at a glass half full...it would do wonders for the creative soul. D.
he's ripping on animators, animation and anything to do with the 3D/2D art form...and he's probably having lunch with Jim Hill next week to discuss ways to insult Pixar... My god, how could you possibly read any thing negitive out of that statement....oh, wait I forgot what blog site this is. Could we spend just a brief time looking at a glass half full...it would do wonders for the creative soul.
Ah, and Seinfeld's statement "ripping on animators" reflects my views how?
I linked to the interview because I thought it was worth bringing to people's attention. Not because I agreed with it.
Steve, my comment was in no way addressed to you or you article...it was to the first "anonymous comment" that somehow thought Seinfeld has disdain for animators. I was simply baffled by his/her remarks. Not sure how you thought my comment was about the article...sorry...the perils of sarcasm, perhaps. Enjoyed the article as I do all of your posts. And to be clear, my "glass half full" remark, was also addressed to some of the "comments" on the site, not your musings... Cheers, D.
Arrgh. My mistake.
as a 3D animator, i take no offense to sienfelds "puppet" comment.
3D IS a puppet show. we call the rigged models puppets all the time. stop motion animation is done with "puppets", so is 3D.
i don't think his comments were meant to be derogatory. get over it.
I don't see anything offensive either.
And I'm looking forward to this movie!!
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