... at least on Friday. The Buck Henry/Mel Brooks chestnut Get Smart racks up $13.5 million on a Friday afternoon and evening ...
... while The Incredible Hulk ($6,455,000) and Kung Fu Panda ($6,350,000) finish neck and neck in the Place-Show positions ...
And Indy is lodged at #6, rapidly closing in on the $300 million marker! Let the profit participations begin!.
Update: The weekend figures are in with the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
The Good: Kung Fu Panda is the only holdover that doesn't drop from its previous position in the Top Ten, clinging to #2 as it collects $21.7 million for a new total of $155.6 million (domestic). (And next weekend we see how it holds up with Wall-E in the marketplace).
The Bad: The Incredible Hulk plunges 61.1% in weekend Two, colecting $21,557,000 and going the way of its predecessor: a big opening and quick fade.
Ugliness: Wretchedly reviewed The Love Guru lands with a dull thud in fourth place as it collects an anemic $14,000,000. Not even Ben Kingsley's cameo could save it!
Get Smart has an adequate $39.1 million opener, while Indiana Jones and the Crystal Noggin is now $10 million away from the magical $300 million platueau.
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