Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Speaks For Itself -- Part 2

This chart shows the spread of jobs held by the 492 women members currently employed in animation.

The numbers of members employed are in square brackets. The "design" category includes layout, background, model design, color styling and art direction.


Alice Marie said...

Interesting, but not quite what I was looking for. Now what's the breakdown for men? From that point it would be fairly easy to extrapolate the gender percentages for each category.

zoograyson said...

Whats the distinction between the term cg and animation in this case?

Steve Hulett said...

"CG" indicated non-animation positions in CGI -- Rigging, modeling, technical directors (lighting, finalling, etc.)

Alice Marie, we'll put the breakdown of employment for men (otherwise known as "the 82%") tomorrow.

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