YouTube and DreamWorks Animation will co-produce a series of daily shows called “YouTube Nation” for the world’s largest video site, according to two individuals with knowledge of the plans.
The shows will recap the most popular daily clips on YouTube, a common format for shows both on YouTube (Ray William Johnson’s “=3”, Phil DeFranco’s “SourceFed”) and off (Comedy Central’s “Tosh.0”). Yet YouTube is financing and co-producing this one itself, and will feature the show on its home page.
DreamWorks Animation already established a foothold in booming online video world when it acquired AwesomenessTV last April. AwesomnessTV is one of the fastest growing networks of YouTube channels in the world, and CEO Brian Robbins quickly became a confidant of DreamWorks Animation CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg. ...
DreamWorks Animation desires to expand beyond its core business. This is one more step of its growth cycle. The future it would like?
To build itself into a conglomerate along the path blazed by Walt, or ...
To be purchased by a conglomerate.
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