Monday, September 18, 2006

Wes and Eva at the gallery

Wes Herschensohn and Eva Schneider seem to have different perspectives on classical vs. modern art ... Wes and Eva were both at Disney at the time that John Sparey would have done this pastel (mid-1950s). Among those in the portrait gallery are Gary Mooney (left) and Bob Carr (in the American Gothic). Wes Herschensohn seems to have been the subject of many of John's drawings and pastels, two of which we have posted here and here. He went on to a career at such studios as Eagle, Format, DeTiege and Hanna-Barbera, ending up as a layout artist at Filmation where he was working when he passed away in 1985. (Wes's brother Bruce you might have heard of. He came close to becoming a U.S. Senator from California in 1992, ultimately losing to Barbara Boxer in the finals.) Eva Schneider was a breakdown artist who eventually made it to assistant at the Mouse House. She was at Filmation almost from the beginning, going back and forth from background work to assisting, until she left in 1981. We've lost track of her after that ... anyone have an idea what happened to her? Here's a list of our posts of John Sparey's work.


Anonymous said...

My old pal, Eva Schneider is alive and well.

After Eva retired from a long career in animation, she moved to --(can you guess?) New Orleans.

Refusing to leave, Eva Schneider rode out the storm and survived hurricane Katrina. A photo of Eva and her dog appeared in Vanity Fair magazine some months ago.

Anybody have doubts that animation workers are survivors?

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Floyd, that's wonderful news!

I started at the Guild in 1980, and I met Eva not long before she left the biz. We are survivors indeed -- Eva even more than most.

will said...

I can confirm Floyd's report. She lives in a neighborhood call the Faubourg Marigny - just a stones throw from the French Quarter.

She has a new dog now, and walks to the store every day.

I bought the house next door to her a year ago, and see and talk to her almost every day.

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