Kevin writes:
I got a lot of requests to see some animation roughs after the posts on Spacing and the Baxter Sinbad tests, so here are a couple from the Sinbad test scene I previously posted. The top image is a preliminary rough, the second image is the final rough. You can click on them to see them larger ...
As you can see, James delivered very tight roughs to the clean-up department. This is the way animators at DreamWorks tended to work. The animation roughs I’ve seen from other studios were often more like the top drawing ... And remember the clips I posted in the Spacing discussion of Sinbad carrying Marina across the deck? Well, here’s a drawingthat’s NOT a rough from that scene, though I wish it were ...
Click on the link above to see all the ruffs Kevin talks about -- and the rest of the post -- that aren't shown here. (The image I grabbed off the web -- up there in the right-hand corner -- isn't one of the drawings.)
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