Sunday, March 02, 2008

Tron 3D ?

Film School Rejects has a summary of rumors and speculation about Disney's upcoming projects:

... thanks to a spy over at AICN, it appears that we have a little more information as to when this TRON film will be hitting theaters. According to the report, not only is Disney looking at a 2011 release, but it is also looking to continue its foray into 3D with the title ...

Apparently it takes a while to crank up a sequel when the first one -- back in the early eighties -- was such an underperformer at the box office. I remember at the time it was the studio's great hope for "blockbuster", but Tron didn't really even crack many good-sized bricks. It was released at the same time Spielberg's E.T. was rolled out, and guess which film prevailed? Rejects continues:

... The Disney snoop also revealed the company’s other plans for the year 2011, including Cars 2, Pirates of the Caribbean 4 and National Treasure 3. And say what you want about those three franchises, the fact remains that they continue to make money at the box office.

Somebody pointed out to me a couple of week's ago that it doesn't take a hell of a lot to be a studio "Snoop." All you really need to do is check the company's public filings with the guvmint for registering new film titles (Tron 2, Son of Cars, Goofy and Donald Go Postal etc.) and you can sort of connect dots and deduce what Disney ... or Fox ... or Warners may be up to.


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