I spent a good part of my life being an idiot about money. (Hold your applause, please).
When I think of the moolah that has flowed through my fingers like water, the dollars I have pissed away, I cringe. I've been trying to catch up ever since.
In that regard, the Animation Guild is holding a financial seminar for its members next Tuesday night ...
It's called "The Road to Riches And a Happy, Successful Retirement." (catchy title, yes?)
I'll be hosting a panel of ace financial advisors: Ralph Bovitz (CPA and Financial Specialist), Janet Gibson (of Primerica), and Shawn Loddy (of Regal Securities.)
They and I will be kicking around strategies for building a financial wall of security around your life, also better strategies for weathering our current financial storms. (To be clear, the experts will be doing most of the talking, not me.)
The meeting will be open to active and inactive TAG members*; pizza and refreshments await at 6:30 pm, and the festivities will start at 7 pm at the IA Local 44 meeting hall, 12021 Riverside Drive in North Hollywood. (The cross street is Agnes, 1 block east of Laurel Canyon. Parking is behind the Local 44 building or across the street behind the mini-mall off Agnes.)
Be there.
*Inactive members (withdrawn or suspended) are welcome; they have "voice but no vote" at the meeting, but they can always ask questions.
Sounds great,and I really like the idea of the independent advisor; but how do we know that the reps from Regal and Primerica won't be there essentially to subtly or not so subtly pitch their product? These people can be really fast talkers who present themselves with enormous authority; and in this vulnerable financial climate, could quite easily convice anyone to get into 'this' or 'that' for your their own 'good'. It happened to me years ago-- and the rep made out like a bandit on loads and fees.
Primerica reps can be pretty aggressive, I know because it's been unsuccessfully pitched to me several times.. It's very similar to, if not an actual pyramid scheme.
Sorry to hear about your dealings with financial advisors. I know when dealing with any "fast talking" salespeople, I don't do business with them. For my financial planning, I ask a ton of questions and never "buy" any products that I don't fully understand.
I can't speak for other reps from Primerica, Regal securities, or Ralph Bovitz, but I've dealt with Janet Gibson and she's been very helpful with my financial questions. I know a few people who also deal with her and we're on track for an early retirement partially because of Janet's advice.
By the way, did you ever find a financial advisor that you did trust? If so, please feel free to share your wisdom.
I have also been using Janet's advice for several years, and have found it very helpful. She is very honest, and has never "pushed" anything on me, or required me to buy any product. We often compare Primerica's services to other companies, and sometimes she recommends their competitor.
I know that Primerica, and other companies like it, are strictly regulated by the government. Obviously, the company and the reps have to make money somehow - that is true of all financial services. It is up to you to do your research, and decide which product fits your needs best.
For me, the best part of dealing with Primerica is that they are willing to start right where I am, financially, without having to wait until I amass $50,000 to invest. Janet has really guided me thru alot of the financial "basics" that I somehow never learned.
One should take all advice with caution - everyone has some type of agenda. If you do not like or trust a person, you do not have to do business with them. I have found Janet to be both exceptionally honest and trustworthy.
-Juli Hashiguchi
Yes it is too bad that you've had some negative
experiences with finacial planners, I ran into a few myself but I walked away from them. I agree if you don't understand something ask questions and do some research on you're end as well if need be.
I too have been lucky enough to work with Janet Gibson and Primerica and I've had nothing but positive experiences. With her help and knowledge I've gotten myself on track for a successful future and early retirement as well, she's been such a huge help. Don't let a bad experience from the past prevent you from taking advantage of a great opportunity right now!
We ran this program over a year ago, and got fine response.
The three speakers gave a lot of good information, and sure, they're in the FA game to make a living.
Here's my take: If you have the time, interest and energy, you can educate yourself about investing and do without brokers or financial advisors.
But most people don't have those things, and so flounder around, ending up at thirty-five or forty with little saved and retirement looming on a fast-approaching horizon.
For folks in THIS category, financial advisors make sense, because they instill some structure and discipline and get people putting away money for their retirement years. Sure, they charge a fee or take a commission, but that's preferable to ignorance and inaction.
My thinking, anyway. And you'll lose nothing by coming to the meeting May 27 and asking questions. You might even learn a few things.
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