We're not going to inundate people with endless snapshots, but here are a few more ... just to demonstrate we don't have to rely on Animation Nation for all our visuals.

The rooms at the Pickwick Center look bigger before people start showing up ... This is the Embassy Room, the smaller of the two rooms used for TAG's Christmas bash ...

Our energetic board members Nicole Dubuc, Matt Wayne and Karen Nugent kept TAG's gift and donation table humming ...

Yours truly, with directors Tim Walker and Dave Brain.

Writers Kevin Hopps and Nic Dubois.

Dan Lund, Tim Walker, John Tucker and Sue Crossley.
The party was boisterous and crowded, but this year we kept the food and drink lines shorter, and the sardine-like quality of past parties was happily avoided.
TAG board members working the gift/donation table collected over $2100 in donations, all of which will go to the Motion Picture and Television Fund.
Very important to note that TAG will match the party donations, so the MPTF will profit by at least $4,300.
If you didn't make it to the party but you want your MPTF donation matched, e-mail Lyn Mantta to let her know, write the check to the Motion Picture and Television Fund, and make sure we get it by December 31.
More pictures! Inundate away! Cartoon Network mostly shot the same people over and over again.
You know what song I love right now - "MMMBop" by Hanson. best vid on YouTube!
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