All right, we have to admit it. Bolt hasn't been the domestic barn-burner Disney was hoping for. But then there's this:
'Madagascar' still tops overseas
“Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa” ruled the foreign box office roost for the fourth consecutive weekend with $15.8 million at 6,893 playdates in 61 markets.
Paramount’s animated toon, which has grossed $366 million outside the U.S., has been the dominant pic of the holiday season, winning five of the past six frames on the foreign side ...
So Mad 2 has collected what? More than half a billion dollars? (Actually way more than $500 million. To date it's pulled in $543 million, if Variety and Box Office Mojo can be believed.)
And I might be be a starry-eyed optimist here, but if similar foreign-domestic ratios hold for Disney's Bolt (foreign doubling the domestic gross), then the white dog will end up with somewhere around $345 million in worldwide money ($115 million domestic/ $230 million foreign).
Time will tell if I have my head in the clouds ... or somewhere else.
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