The January 27 membership meeting will offer a discussion about ergonomics in the animation workplace, featuring noted expert SHELBY CASS, CAE, who will be interviewed by President Koch and take questions from the audience.
Ms. Cass is a Certified Associate Ergonomist. She began work in the field in 1998 at Pixar, where she developed the studio’s cutting-edge Educational Ergonomics program. Other companies Shelby has worked with include DNA Productions, KeyOvation (Goldtouch), Wacom, ILM, Apple, Blue Sky, WETA, and Henson.
Here’s how Ms. Cass speaks of her profession:
I know your type. You do things your way. You don’t have time for doctors, and if you feel ache, pain, or fatigue while you are working, you’re just going to work through it. No pain, no gain, right? Wrong. No pain, no pain. That’s my motto.
The most common question I get once my profession is established is some variation of: “How should I sit?” My answer is not short. It can’t be. But if you have time, I’d suggest starting by sitting on your butt. Are you laughing? Let’s see if you are sitting on it.
Most people plop down on a seat, and where the butt hits, it stays. If they have to recline from there to reach the seat back, they will. That means they are sitting on their tailbones, and not actually their sitting bones. If you’re not sitting well, the rest of your workstation won’t ever be as good as it could. Try this: Imagine you have a tail. Pick your bottom up, stick it out to get that tail behind you, and set yourself down again. You may find you are sitting on a completely different part of your body. This is a good thing. From here we can adjust your chair to fit you, and like Legos we can piece together the rest of your workstation to fit as well.
Your goal: To work without pain, but still remain productive. My goal: To build movement into your static posture and getting you to be as lazy as possible while staying as productive if not more so. To give you more energy; to help you feel better at the end of the day, and to keep your body going longer and stronger for the rest of your life.
The meeting will be open to members, active or inactive. Non-members may attend the lecture portion of the evening only.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Pizza and refreshments, 6:30 pm
Meeting and discussion, 7 pm
IATSE Local 44, 12021 Riverside Drive, North Hollywood
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