The cover article of the latest edition of the IATSE Bulletin is a profile by David Geffner of the labor organization that is featured in this very blog.
If you're an active member of TAG you should have received a copy in the mail in the last few weeks; if not, a PDF of the article is here.
The Animation Guild has been around since 1952. We weren't the original animation union in town (that honor goes to The Screen Cartoonists Guild), but among our charter members are a load of Disney tyros, and we're happy about that.
Members have called us about the article; some have been thrilled, others miffed that their part of the business wasn't covered in the piece. My reply has been: "I'm happy that we got a cover story in the magazine. I'm sorry that every nook and cranny of our business couldn't get its due, but I understand that there are only so many pages in the IA Bulletin."
But all in all, I think it's a dandy historical piece on how the Animation Guild came to be, and where it's going. Enjoy the pictures.
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