If I were running a contest regarding which animation facility to which I have access enjoys the best morale, I would probably say it's DreamWorks Animation in sun-kissed Glendale ...
It's not that people working inside the Italianate Plaza in Glendale are ecstatic from nine to five, only that relatively speaking, the gripes and general displeasure vibes which I pick up are are less than elsewhere. Hulett's Rule for Studio Personnel?
Cartoon Staffs at Cartoon Studios fall into three broad categories: The Happy, the Mildly Disgruntled, the Chronically Disgruntled ...
You can tell the temperature of a studio, morale-wise, by the size of each of the above groups. If the biggest contingent is "Happy," then the studio is doing better than okay. If the largest is "Chronically Disgruntled", then there are problems, likely big problems. (Please keep in mind: because of the present miserable condition of the overarching economy, the roster of the Chronically Disgruntled has been greatly reduced. People are delighted just to be freaking employed.)
Another reason DreamWorks Animation crews aren't complaining is, the artists I have talked to are, by and large, pleased with the films they're working on. The consensus on the new Shrek -- out the middle of next year -- is that "It's funnier and better than #3" ... "works well" ... (etc.).
The staff on How to Train Your Dragon has picked up its already brisk pace because "Production's wrapping in February and there's a bunch left to do." (Like when is there not? Dragon has -- I'm told -- a schedule of about 10-12 months. And Disney staffers inform me the bulk or Rapunzel has a nine to ten-month production schedule. "Do it with alacrity" is the order of the present age.)
And DreamWorks Animation has a lot of projects* in development, more than any other studio I can think of. Its track record has been solid for the last couple of years, and whether or not How to Train Your Dragon is a chart buster early in 2010, I'm reasonably certain that Shrek Forever After will make enough coin mid-year so that the company will be able to open its own mint.
No wonder Jeffrey has a bright, shiny 2010 Prius.
* Projects I've seen in work or know about: How to Train Your Dragon, Shrek 4, Puss in Boots, Oobermind, Kung Fu Panda, The Guardians of Childhood, Shrek 5, Madgascar 3, The Croods, Trucker, Ghost Project ... and four half-hour teevee specials, some of which are being done in India. (DWA has a staff of 120 on the sub-continent.)
"* Projects I've seen in work or know about: How to Train Your Dragon, Shrek 4, Puss in Boots, Oobermind, Kung Fu Panda, The Guardians of Childhood, Shrek 5, Madgascar 3, The Croods, Trucker, Ghost Project ..."
Glad to hear things are Dreamy in jolly ol' Glendale, but "Crood Awakenings" is now called "The Croods" ?
Bleh ...
(the original title, not great, was at least a bit of clever wordplay on "rude awakening" , but now ? Maybe they'll change it next to "Meet The Croods" ?
I think that is wonderful. It was not always the case and in fact , members from PDI at one time said it was ultra depressing. Companies do evolve though and successful films like Kung Fu Panda have really pumped up the happy meter. I think it's great.
That aside, why does the union website have a link to animationnation on it ? Was this not the site that wanted our union destroyed in favor of some rise in independents ? I'm confused why the target of their hate is putting up links to what apparently is their mortal enemy .
I'm looking forward to seeing what director Dean DuBois does with "How To Train Your Dragon."
Bleh ...
Lemme guess, Pudge. You think Pixar is just the bestest studio ever.
What's that about, Steve? Why start something that's not there, or are you kidding?
I took his "bleh" as referring to the new title of "The Croods."
I second the "bleh." I personally prefer "Crood Awakening." But hey, it's only a title. I'm just excited to see another Chris Sanders piece of work.
(By the way, I wouldn't be surprised if Pudge is more a Chris Sanders fan than a Pixar fan, since Pudge the Fish is from Chris's debut movie, Lilo & Stitch.)
"Lemme guess, Pudge. You think Pixar is just the bestest studio ever."
No sir. I'm no Pixie. But I think that "The Croods" is about as lame a title as I've heard since "The Great Mouse Detective" was switched in for "Basil of Baker Street".
You didn't understand my post , Steve.
I was saying that "Crood Awakenings" was a (sort of ) clever title , playing off "rude awakening" . "The Croods" just sounds dumbeth. That's all.
No worries. They're already planning another name change for the film (and it's much better than either of those).
Why is there a pic of a hybrid @ the top of this article?
Read the last line of the article, above the footnote.
Something tells me that is not Jeffrey's front yard that that Prius is parked in front of.
I understand that's why a some artists are leaving Disney and Pixar to go work at Dreamworks. NateWragg, Lou Romano, and Joe Moshier just to name a few. I think that Disney/Pixar are getting a little pretentious and from what I hear, they don't treat you like they used to. I know a lot of people get there, work their butts off, and they act like they can replace you at any moment, with no appreciation. The top people have their friends, and those friends are able to get what they want. To political I would say.
Lou Romano left Pixar? When did this happen? I haven't heard anything about this. I hope it's not true; I love Lou's work.
Lou's working for Laika, last time I talked with him.
Something tells me that is not Jeffrey's front yard that that Prius is parked in front of.
Generic Prius.
But it looks remarkably like Jeffrey's specific Prius.
What is Laika?
Laika did Coraline.
If Romano left Pixar and joined Laika, does this mean Graveyard Book is a go?
Sorry, I meant to say those three left Disney/pixar and two of them went to Dreamworks, and I didn't know where Lou went... but now I do thanks.
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