Michael Giaimo in his office.
Mike Giaimo came into animation via the route a number of neophyte artists travelled in the 1970s: Promising student at Cal Arts makes an animated film; Walt Disney Productions takes a shine to same; the Mouse House then snaps up the neophyte to work in Burbank.
Sounds simple, but it wasn't always ...
TAG Interview with Michael Giaimo
Find all TAG Interviews on the TAG website at this link
Michael started his Disney career in the same way that many others did. He in-betweened on production while making a personal animation reel. But he soon found himself tagged by superiors as having a spark for story development. And within a short period of time Mr. Giaimo found himself being mentored by the young story artist Pete Young, as you will hear in this first installment of the latest TAG Interview.
This is great! I've always loved Mike. Whenever I worked with him, he was always asking about me and my family rather than talk about himself. It's absolutely fantastic to hear his story.
What a great guy.
And he has the greatest modern home of all time... but that has nothing to do with anything.
Great interview. Can't wait for the second part.
Btw, Steve, your voice sounds a bit like Dick Van Dyke's voice. :-)
I think I am Dick Van Dyke.
Great interview. Michael is a brilliant designer and story artist, and it's great to know he's back at Disney.
What does Rich Rich know about storytelling, design, or film making? From his output, not much! The Black Cauldron, and everything he's done since only underlines this.
Mike is so cool and talented. Had the opportunity with him on "Sweating Bullets" at Disney. Too bad they wouldn't let us make the movie.
If they'd had strong story artists, maybe it would have happened.
For anyone who might like to see this Roger Rabbit test heard in the interview, here you go!
Unfortunately, the links for both parts of this interview are not longer working. Can the links be fixed?
I think if you go to the animation guild website, you can retrieve an MP3 file for Mike's interview.
Though I don't normally update posts like this, just like to share this link to an excerpt from the Disney Channel special that exposed some of the work on the early version of Roger Rabbit to the public.
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