Monday, January 14, 2013

Moving View Master Spirals Down

... as the 3D craze slackens.

... Following weak box office performances for re-releases of "Monsters, Inc.," "Finding Nemo" and "Beauty and the Beast" in 3-D, Walt Disney Studios has canceled plans for a 3-D "The Little Mermaid" in September. ...

"The Lion King" proved a surprise hit in the format, grossing nearly $100 million in the U.S. and Canada. But "The Lion King" turned out to be an anomaly ...

Some pictures have done okay after they got refurbished in three dimensions. Titanic, for instance. But at bottom 3D is a gimmick, which isn't particularly easy on goggled eyes, and the public is gradually tiring of it. The public is also (mostly?) growing weary of inflated ticket prices.

The other problem? If a movie is a witless dud, having objects float off the screen at you won't make it less dud-like.


Unknown said...

I can't wait till all studios decide to release their films as 48 frames per second, and then watch as they bomb one by one when audiences get tired of it. 3D may be on the way out (AGAIN,) and 48 fps is the next big "fad" I want to see go down the toilet.

Perhaps Hollywood can enhance audiences' viewing experiences by making...

good films with three-dimentional characters and plots.

Celshader said...

I heard the artists at Stereo-D are currently working 12-hour days and seven day weeks on stereo conversion projects.

Someone still believes in the stereoscopic format, though maybe not enough to shoot in true stereoscopic 3D from the start.

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