Tuesday, May 06, 2014

TAG 401(k) Plan

TAG 401(k) Plan trustees met yesterday. Bullet points about the plan:

Factoids Re TAG 401(k) Plan

Total Plan Assets -- $210,941,135

Total Participants -- 2,436

Average # investments -- 6.8

Average Account Balance -- $86,593 ...

The Animation Guild's 401(k) Plan has been in existence for 19 years.

During that time, it's grown from a few million dollars (1995) to its current total (2014). It's been administered by Principal Financial Broup, Mass Mutual Insurance, and (now, as of August) Vanguard Mutual Funds.

It's provided a third pension option to Guild members, supplementing the Individual Account Plan and Defined Benefit Plan provided by the Motion Picture Industry Pension Plan. A lot of people are going to have a more secure retirement because of it.


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