Thursday, October 23, 2014

I.A. Film Commission Appointment

The IATSE (our mother international) had another of its own placed on the California Film Commission Board of Directors.

... Thomas Davis, 56, of Sherman Oaks, has been appointed to the California Film Commission. Davis is third international vice president of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees Executive Board, where he has been a member since 2001. He has been business manager at the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Local 80 since 1998, where he has held several positions since 1977, including vice president, chief organizer and executive board member. This position does not require Senate confirmation and there is no compensation.

Thom is the business representative of Local 80, and was at the forefront of getting AB 1939 (the tax incentive bill for TV and movies) passed into law.

Our congratulations to Mr. Davis on his appointment. It will be good to have another IA Vice President at the table when film work is being vetted for tax subsidies.


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