A brief pause in the history of Disney and other reminiscing (there will be more later) to discuss the here and now.
As we related earlier, Disney/TSL contract negotiations begin next Thursday. The employees' negotiating committee will be meeting early in the week to hash out strategy and proposals. Labor negotiations are always a treat, so of course I'm looking forward to it with my usual joie de vivre. The TSL pact is an international (IATSE) collective bargaing agreement, so the Animation Guild will be riding shotgun rather than handling the reins. More as these events as they unspool...
I walked through the third floor of Film Roman/Starz Media to see lots of artists busily engaged on "The Simpsons'" latest season of television shows. Most are happy to be working on the show rather than the feature (they're not anxious to immerse themselves in all the overtime going on downstairs). Many are steeling themselves for future duty on the feature. They assume (no doubt correctly) that they will be journeying to the first floor to put in longer work hours as the wide-screen version's release date draws near.
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