© by the Estate Of Ralph Hulett. Click on the thumbnail to see a full-sized image.
Another Yuletide season kicks off, therefore we'll put up another round of Christmas cards by Disney background artist Ralph Hulett. Starting with one more "court jester" card ...
For those of you new to the blog, my late father painted a ton of holiday cards over a span of thirty years. Many were done for a card company named named "California Artists," and in those quaint, long-ago days before giant, interlocking conglomerates ruled everything, many card companies paid royalties on the designs.
Such was the case with California Artists. And dear old Dad made almost as much money from his yearly Christmas cards as he did from background painting at Disney.
Nowadays, Hallmark and the like just want to buy card art outright. What a marvelous, corporatist age we live in ...
Here are more Ralph Hulett Christmas cards. (UPDATE: this search link is now fixed.)
I'd love to see more of these cards . . . but the link under your post doesn't seem to work correctly.
Hey Steve - I found some of your dad's work on the California Watercolorists site. Great stuff on there. http://www.californiawatercolor.com/
Look under 'choose an artist' menu on the left. Great to see these cards
Kevin O'Neil
Hey Steve...came across your site
which brought back some fond memories.....I was on the "California Artists" sales force...I met your father a few times during the sales meetings held as Seal Beach, Cal....He was
a wonderful artist and a good guy...
My name is Stan Cooper
e-mail address thebardstan@cox.net
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