When I first heard the title for DreamWorks Animation's next big release, I thought: What kind of flick is this going to be?".
Frankly, I had my doubts that this 2008 feature (the new trailer for which is here), could be a resounding winner ...
But what do you know? The reports I've heard from DreamWorks Animation's story and animation staff has been overwhelmingly positive. Things like "Best thing we've done in a while" ... "The story is really, really tight, and that's not always true for the pictures around here" and "Everybody's really happy with it ..."
Now before somebody comments: "Sure, the DreamWorks crew likes it, but so what? They're boosters of their own product ..." It's important to understand here that over the years, I've heard lots of negative comments from different animation production crews about their companies' movies, including DA's. And sometimes the comments have been right, and sometimes the comments have been wrong.
Because all artistic judgements are, ultimately, sub-ject-ive.
If you believe Casablanca or Star Wars are really, really terrible films, nobody can prove you wrong. Because it's a matter of opinion and/or taste regarding a work of art that we're talking about, not the correctness of an algebraic equation.I think the trailer up above looks damn good. Obviously others may differ. And how good the movie is, we'll find out in summer '08 ...
in my subjective opinion, this movie looks every bit as terrible as Shark Tale.
wow. yeah. it looks like a great remake
I know I'm hopelessly old-fashioned, but I think I'll wait until I actually see the movie until I decide whether or not it sucks...
Who's the marketing genius that decided to use "Kung Fu Fighting" as the feature song in the trailer?
Talk about thinking outside the box!
With fresh, unique, inventive ideas like that streaming out of Dreamworks animation, this movie is sure raise the bar of animated films!
Seriously: they implement THE most overrused, trite, and cliche song for the trailer and i'm supposed to brace myself for a quality film the likes of which i haven't seen before?
Jesus....a trailer is NOT a film.
I'm as skeptical as anybody, and yet, this trailer actually makes me look forward to this movie. I did not mind the song at all.
The animation looks fantastic as well!!
yeah its a trailer and the whole point of a trailer is to give you a taste of what the film is like.
hate the designs. hate the animation style. the one gag in the trailer is totally unoriginal.
but sure maybe ill like the movie (??????)
We'll miss your crumpled, sweaty, hate-coated $9.
ps. apparently you also hate the "'".
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