Artist: Nicole Duet
The American Animation Institute, TAG's education program, has announced a "mini-semester" of classes starting in early January.
Registration is now open, and we encourage you to sign up as soon as you can since many of these classes will fill up. To register, call (818) 845-7000 during office hours, Monday-Friday 8:30 am to 5 pm. After registering by phone, make out checks to the American Animation Institute and send to: 1105 N. Hollywood Way, Burbank, CA 91505. You place in class is not guaranteed unless you have registered and paid. Payment is due by December 30, 2009. No refunds will be given after the first day of class.
Classes are listed in full below the fold. A PDF version of the flyer is available here. (Misteaks in the version attached to the earlier e-mail have been corrected.)
American Animation Institute Winter 2010 "Mini-Semester January-February 2010
Day classes
• Head and Figure Painting - Instructor: Karl Gnass - Fee: $150.00 - 6 Mondays, January 4-February 8, 9:30 am to 4 pm
This course deals with the fundamentals and development of head and figure painting. Attention will be given to anatomy, structure and form followed with emphasis on character, mood and action. We will examine and explore different theories of color, the value scale, direct and indirect light and procedures used by various artists throughout history. There will be a running dialogue about composition and its importance. A one-day lecture tour of a Los Angeles museum is included. Finally, a look at personal approach, inviting the student to challenge established norms and limitations.

artist: Glenn Vilppu
• Basic Figure Drawing and Anatomy - Instructor: Glenn Vilppu - Fee: $210.00 - 9 Tuesdays, January 5-March 2, 10:30 am to 4 pm
Classical figure drawing, with discussions of the application of anatomy to drawing.
• Painting The Still Life - Instructor: Nicole Duet - Fee: $100.00 - 5 Thursdays, January 14-February 11, 10 am to 2:30 pm
Painting from the still life is one of the most quietly rewarding ways for students of all levels to develop the skills of a painter. This class covers fundamentals of paint handling and color mixing, and how to create the illusion of light, form and atmosphere. This class can provide either an in depth introduction to oil painting or a deepening of the student's understanding as a painter. Demonstrations and individual attention will be given. Call for supply list.

artist: Karl Gnass
• Morphing Life Drawings Into Character Drawings - Instructor: Karl Gnass - Fee: $125.00 - 5 Fridays, January 8-February 5, 9:30 am to 4 pm
We will utilize life-drawing concepts, reviewing and clarifying them, to transform figures into characters for storytelling and animation. We will also work on character development and expression for portfolios.

• 2D (Traditional) Animation Workshop - Instructors: Alex Topete and Michael Polvani - Fee: $70.00 - 3 Saturdays, January 16-January 30, 9 am to noon
This intensive workshop in traditional animation basics will offer students practice in thumbnailing poses, staging, refining attitudes, acting and character expressions, dialogue, timing for animation, inbetweening, creating exposure sheets, and continued emphasis on drawing fundamentals. Students can expand their 2D reel in class working on an individual project or collaborating on a short team exercise. Students may work in Flash (on theirown laptops) or with pencil and paper (using classroom pencil-test equipment).
Evening Classes
• Life Drawing - Instructor: Karl Gnass - Fee: $90.00 - 6 Mondays, January 4-February 8, 7 pm to 10 pm
A basic foundation figure drawing class. Emphasis on fundamentals of observing, interpreting and describing form. Procedures used inquick sketch, construction and fundamentals of volume and structure. The goal is to develop the ability to draw with skill and imagination.
• Draped Figure and Costume - Instructor: Karl Gnass - Fee: $180.00 - 12 Wednesdays and Thursdays, January 7-February 12, 7 to 10 pm
We will take the confusion out of drapery by covering the important basic folds and how they relate to non-active folds and wrinkles. We will also explore the expressive qualities of drapery, drapery as costume, and costume as character.
• Color and Composition - Instructor: Nicole Duet - Fee: $75.00 - 5 Wednesdays, January 13-February 10, 7 to 10 pm
A workshop focusing on the basic visual and aesthetic interactions of color. Topics include developing sensitivity in color perception and intensive practice in mixing color. Special focus on color harmony, dynamic color as an aspect of composition, and learning to use color to create effects of luminosity, depth and atmosphere in a painting. Students also develop a basic understanding of color as it relates to composition and form, including discussion of historical examples of color use in painting. Call for supply list.
To register, call (818) 845-7000. After registering by phone, make out checks to the American Animation Institute and send to: 1105 N. Hollywood Way, Burbank, CA 91505. Payment is due by December 30, 2009. No refunds will be given after the first day of class.
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