Part of the morning of Your Faithful Servant was spent at the Warner Bros. Animation facility on the picturesque Warner (formerly Columbia) Ranch, located in the San Fernando Valley hamlet of Burbank ...
A WBA staffer told me:
"Other studios are doing lots of CGI shows. We're doing Green Lantern, and we'll probably be doing more CG series in the next few years. But we'll also keep doing hand-drawn shows. I don't think hand-drawn series on television are going to go out of style. Hand-drawn is beautiful ..."
Would that more executives felt this way.
My thinking is that every studio doing t.v. animation will be wading deeper into CGI episodics as the decade goes on. It just seems to be the trend now, after the false start back at the turn of the century. (Remember Starship Troopers? I didn't suppose you did.)
The conundrum for the conglomerates: CGI isn't cheap, and if higher ratings don't result from the CG rendering, then the extra money spent might have been pointless.
Meanwhile, the production board crew for Looney Tunes is settled in and moving briskly along. And delighted to be working. "May this show last multiple seasons ..."
Who cares? I would, if WB made shows worth watching. They're so poorly written, acted, and directed that any half decent artwork (hand drawn or CG) just doesn't matter.
Sour, are we?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
" Who cares? I would, if WB made shows worth watching. They're so poorly written, acted, and directed that any half decent artwork (hand drawn or CG) just doesn't matter."
CGI isn't cheap, and above the commitment is impractical for revisions. Redoing a scene in traditional animation; not that tough.
Redoing a scene in CGI? Incredibly expensive.
...and don't suggest that studios adapt by getting it right the first time. A producer changes their mind because they can. So they always will.
To have power is...
Is that image of Green Lantern from the show ?
If so that looks great . (granted it's just a single still frame, but nice look to it .)
It's from the 2009 DTV movie. Hey Steve, what else is going on besides Looney Tunes and Green Lantern?
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