Here's where it is today ...

... and here's where it was a year ago -- pretty the same places it's at today.
(The close similarity of the raw numbers is remarkable, understanding, of course, that just because the employees count is the same at Disney as it was a year ago doesn't mean they haven't been layoffs and hires -- only that the numbers at the various divisions -- Walt Disney Animation Studios, Disney TVA, Disney Toon Studios -- have cancelled each other out.)
Add On: TAG lost a lot of employment when Image Movers Digital went away in northern California, but the guild has recovered -- as you can see above -- in other areas. What I've noticed is that television work has been steadily improving over the past twelve months, and theatrical employment has held up well.
Then there is the larger context of total animation work in Southern California: video games, visual effects work, television graphics, non-signator animation shops, internet animation, etc. Taken altogether, Southern California is host to more animation work than at any time in its history. The global pie has continuously grown and California (north and south) has gotten its share.
-- Steve Hulett
Wow, Disney still has 23 percent of the business? I'm surprised that it's that high.
Perhaps this was poll was taken before they shelved King of the Elves again?
Looks like Jeffrey is getting the last laugh.
@ Art-
Don't be bitter that you got fired from Disney. KOTE is in production right now :)
Is it actually in animation, anon? I'd bet no.
King of the elves is still alive and being worked on
The "Disney" category includes TV animation, not just feature.
Yes thank you 8:31. That was pointed out in the original post.
Don't be bitter that you got fired from Disney. KOTE is in production right now :)
typical and childish disney shill response.
@ Rufus-
You too huh??
What the hell is wrong with people?? If you dont know, you dont know. I work at Disney. I have for a long time. King of the Elves is NOT dead. Im not going to open my mouth and spoil the release schedule, but KOTE will be in theaters sooner than later.
Please stop being an annoying troll.
Thanksgiving 2013.
"King of the Elves" is, as I understand, continuing in development.
Inside the Hat said: "King of the Elves is NOT dead."
I guess you're not privy to what the higher ups said last week, hmmm?
No Bento Box?
I will say it again:
Thanksgiving 2013!!!
Dream on, Chris Williams is already working on another pitch since this fell through.
"There is a lot of talk going on about what comes after "Reboot Ralph" next year...
Specifically, a good deal of talk about Chris Williams' "King of the Elves." I've received several e-mails asking me about the status of this project. A few have asked if it has been canceled.
I can say that as of a couple weeks ago, the project was right on schedule. So if it's been put into turnaround, then it has happened in the last week or so. I personally doubt it. From those Bothans that I've talked to, the project was moving steadily forward and was having no more story problems than any other project of its type. It has been doing so well in fact, that it was/is being considered for the Christmas holiday release for 2013."
Souce: Blue Sky Disney.
What the he'll is a Bothan?
What the hell is "he'll"???
For students like me, hoping to one day be in the animation industry, seeing the huge increase in the number of studios and increased size of some of the existing little guys is pretty heartening - even with the decrease in total workers (but were they retirement or laid off?)
"...even with the decrease in total workers (but were they retirement or laid off?)..."
They moved to Singapore to feed themselves:
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