Friday, January 01, 2016

At the Zoo

Diz Co. dropped a new trailer for its oncoming cartoon today.

The crew on this baby put in a lot of overtime hours at the company's Tujunga facility (that's the building in North Hollywood, out near the end of the Bop Hope Airport runway), and I think the wit of the picture shows through.

The scene with the bunny rabbit, fox, and sloths, which has been out for a while, played well with the large audience at the local AMC. I think this Diz Co. feature will open buoyantly. Movies with furry animals usually go over with global audiences.


Chris Sobieniak said...

Movies with furry animals usually go over with global audiences.

Not to mention a group of audiences who think they deserved this film FAR TOO MUCH than others, but we'll see!

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