So maybe Robert Zemeckis makes another feature with the frenetic bunny ... and maybe some of it is done with old-style, pencil and paper animation ...
“I’ll tell you what is buzzing around in my head now that we have the ability—the digital tools, performance capture—I’m starting to think about ‘Roger Rabbit,’”
Pressed, Mr. Zemeckis said that it could be a bit of hand-drawn, a chunk motion capture, but he didn't go into details.
So, if they do a new one (and it makes commercial sense, given the original's box office), will they set up a studio stateside? Will they hire back any of the old animation crew?
These and other questions remain to be answered. But they probably won't get answered for a while yet ...
I'll tell you what's buzzing around his head if he thinks doing Roger Rabbit 2 with performance capture is a good idea
(and it makes commercial sense, given the original's box office)
Yeah it did, twenty years ago when it first came out.
OH god, no. Wasn't the FIRST one BAD ENOUGH? A tiny bit of the animation was OK, but mostly awful and ugly. But the FILM was just terrible, with no story, weak characters, and no charm. It just NEVER stopped moving.
Maybe if they got a good script, a good director, and did the animation in L.A. it would be good.
I wish they'd stop calling it "performance capture" when it's more than obviously M-O-C-A-P. Guess what Zemeckis, the "performance" you're capturing? It's "s**ty".
I did development on "Roger" back in 1996-97. I remember Eric Goldberg and Mark Kausler also working on it as well.
I worked with producer, Jim Pentecost, and I remember not being allowed to photocopy the script. It was a pretty good script actually. I wonder if they'll ever do it?
The idea of a motion captured Roger Rabbit makes me shudder.
Hmm- a hyper-real 3D Roger Rabbit??
It'll be interesting to see how the Tintin project turns out...
Coming soon to a theater near you...
Who MoCapped Roger Rabbit?;^)
They need to do it 2D and add it to the return to 2D films production slate.
I wanted another Roger Rabbit but not like this. NOT LIKE THIS!!!
I've yet to see a decent mocap. & wasn't the point of the original to recapture the magic of the original shorts?! You need hand drawn for that amount of squash & stretch! Plus the look would be way off with CG. It's pre-established with hand drawn. Plus you'd have to mocap EVERY other cameo character to match & I just couldn't do that to Bugs, Mickey, etc...
Although I think there would be money in another Roger Rabbit. Especially if they dumped that prequel idea (if Jim Hill is to be believed) & go with say... Y2K era. That way you could incorporate more modern characters (from Scooby-Doo to Simpsons - shoot technically Wile E & roadrunner weren't supposed to be in the first but they were!). More modern characters = $$$. Plus assuming the same parties are involved as the first, this could mean new animation of Tiny Toons, Animaniacs, etc due to Amblin & personally I'm all for that - even if only for a cameo group shot or a Hello Nurse of Jessica Rabbit!
I could see throwing in some 3-D characters that were originally conceived, designed and animated as 3-D characters, but to re-design dozens of 2-D characters as 3-D would be disastrous. Not only would it be a headache, leave the same match up and eye-line problems as before, but it would miss the entire point of the original movie; the interaction, (with self-awareness), of two completely different realities.
"I could see throwing in some 3-D characters that were originally conceived, designed and animated as 3-D characters"
Only if the film story (if it has one, unlike the original) was set post 1984. That's the only way they COULD exist.
Who Framed Roger Rabbit had a story but it was eclipsed by the gorgeous 2D animation.
I Agree, Who Framed Roger Rabbit is a Great Movie, I wish he would produce more of this quality of work more often. The symbolism is amazing.
Check out this article;
OZ vs ToonTown – Genius All Around
Who Framed Roger Rabbit...Is this really a story about the framing an innocent corporation?
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