Tomorrow, the Peg-Board goes into the mail with the final announcement of next Tuesday’s membership meeting at which nominations will be accepted for the upcoming three-year term of TAG officers.
In order to run for office, you have to meet the following criteria:
- You must be an active member of the Animation Guild as of September 28, 2010, paid up through the third quarter 2010.
- You must have joined the Animation Guild on or before September 28, 2008.
- You must not have been suspended from membership at any point since September 28, 2008.
- You must not have been on honorable withdrawal at any point since September 28, 2009.
- Board and membership meetings occur on Tuesdays and your attendance is required, so please don’t run for office if you have irreconcilable obligations on Tuesday nights.
If you meet these criteria, there will be a letter E on the Peg-Board mailing label next to your name. If you think you should be eligible but there is no E on your label, contact me by e-mail before the meeting.
In the next few days we’ll be talking on the blog about the election process, and about the rewards of serving your Guild as an elected officer. I hope to see you next Tuesday, September 28, to join us in being a part of our future.
Bashing another blog is off-topic, so we've deleted the posts.
It's good that the TAG Blog doesn't stoop to character assassination and smear campaigns, even when a certain website does that towards you guys. The high road is always the road to take.
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