TAG Interview with Frans Vischer
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Holland is a long way from the animation business in California, but when you're a kid with a passion to draw, the distance across an ocean and continent isn't very far after all ...
The Vischer family moved to northern California when Frans was eleven. Since he knew little English and soccer was not yet a major American pasttime, young Mr. Vischer spent a lot of hours with his sketch book. This led Mr. Vischer's mother to send samples of his work to the House of Mouse ... which in turn led to a trip to the Disney Studio and later, an audience with animation legend Chuck Jones. All of which you will hear about in the first half of The Frans Vischer Interview.
Glad to see this interview go up. Frans is one of the nicest guys in animation and most talented. He's one of the "unsung heroes" who ought to be better known.
It was a very enjoyable interview to do. Frans tells terrific anecdotes.
Frans is AMAZING! Be sure and buy his children's book, too!
Interesting to learn a bit more about the production of Cats Don't Dance. That film Fran was trying to remember that Tim Burton did was Mars Attacks (the film certainly merits the worst film ever title if only on purpose).
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