Since we're on the subject of "Occupy," and a lot of us are visual around here, we give you the above ...
It comes from William Banzai at the Village Voice. And it's obviously a Monopoly board.
But what you might not know is that picture in the middle of the board? It's actually Wall Street with a big crowd, but it ain't recent, and it ain't "Occupy Wall Street." The year is 1918. The guy with the megaphone is actor Douglas Fairbanks Sr., selling War Bonds.

(Here's another shot, at approximately the same time and location. Mr. Fairbanks is the guy on the bottom. Charlie Chaplin is the gent being lifted by Fairbanks -- to the delight of the crowd.)
I don't know which of these two photographs was made first.
OWS is what the Teabaggers claimed they were, but instead their biggest concern was fear that a Black man was now in the White House.
OWS is not really Left leaning as much as it is American leaning. Fox news wants to paint them as Liberals and Lefties because they're protesting Fox's masters. If the Teabaggers wanted to be taken seriously they would join together with the OWS movement and let the OWS people write their signs for them.
AMEN! Sadly, the tea baggers were never an "organic" organization as OWS is, but rather an astroturf pr job by dick army and his ironically named fringe right "freedomworks foundation."
It never ceases to amaze me to read comments from the liberal mental midgets with their bag of cliches who frequent this blog.
It never ceases to amaze me to read comments from the pseudo conservative mental midgets with their bag of cliches who frequent this blog.
"It never ceases to amaze me" and "mental midgets" are cliches.
Congratulations! You know what a cliche is. Now if you knew how the economy works and why socialism always fails, that would be something.
... socialism always fails ...
Except when it doesn't.
Supporting evidence, please. Include Germany, France, Canada, Denmark, Social Security, Medicare in your data base.
Many thanks.
"Supporting evidence, please. Include Germany, France, Canada, Denmark, Social Security, Medicare in your data base."
Don't forget government hand-outs like farm subsidies, such as those paid to Michelle Bachmann and family. (You already covered Medicare, which Bachmann's husband receives to pay for "curing" gays.)
France is broke and about to be in trouble. Germany has almost no defence expenses because is subsidise by the US, Canada is like the US but with socialist healthcare, sometimes works. And Denmark is a very small country . Socialism can work in a very cohesive and uniform society which the US is not. capitalism before this monopoly rigged fascist system turn the US in the economic engine of the world and it gave the higher standard of living the world ever saw. Why can people hold two thoughts at the same time?¿¿ If the government have got out of the health system , health insurances would be much more affordable and the care provided would be much better.Right now is a mess and a joke for the rest of the world but more socialism is not the solution. it has worked before in the past and we can have it back.
Don't blame "socialism" for this mess, blame deregulation, which capitalist businesses bought through our politicians.
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