There was standing room only crowd at the memorial in TAG's upstairs hall.
A large gathering of animation veterans and students assembled at the Animation Guild on Sunday to share memories of Cornelius Cole ...
The celebration began with people in Gallery 839 enjoying the display of Corny's art. At 1:pm, the formal ceremony began with a slide show featuring pictures provided by Corny's family. The rest of the afternoon was a mix of personal testimonials and memories from students, colleagues and family mixed with movie clips, audio clips and slide shows projected on the screen. TAG President Emeritus Tom Sito emceed the afternoon of fond memories and sharing that was well received by all.
Anyone who wasn't able to attend the afternoon's event is welcome to view Corny's work at Gallery 839. The gallery will be open each Friday in October from 11:am to 2:pm.

A scholarship fund is being established in Corny's name. To donate, send to
The Corny Cole Endowed Scholarship Fund
Office of Advancement
24700 McBean Parkway
Valencia, CA 91355
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