© by the Estate Of Ralph Hulett. Click on the thumbnail to see a full-sized image.
Here's a watercolor by Mr. Hulett. It's called "Rock Fisherman" and was the winner of the Purchase Award in Watercolor at the U.S.A. National show in 1967. And...

...here's a photograph of Mr. Hulett "painting." I put the word in quotes because it looks to me like Mr. Hulett is faking it for the photgrapher, as he would have had this particular watercolor on his portable easel with watercolors close at hand if he were really painting. (It is an actual watercolor, however. Which I'm sure he did on the actual site. Just not as the shutter was snapped. Circa 1970).
Gee, the comments are in the post before this one are far more interesting and relevant to union business than these oil paintings. Yet, here we are.
I try not to be one-note.
Mix things up, that's my motto. But you can't please everyone.
Actually, I enjoy these postings with oil paintings etc.!
Idiot me. An oil painting on a CANVAS, and not being painted on site.
I need new bifocals.
Steve, thank you for posting your father's paintings. I enjoy the change from all the hard-hitting union business. To each his own!
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