An hour ago, I was stopped at a light on Ventura Boulevard. In front of me, at various distances, were three different billboards displaying Shrek the Third...
And they weren't the only billboards. I had already passed one. And there was yet another around the next curve.
When you've got yourself a big, green tentpole, you like people to know it's out there.
Who would have thought this "jolly green giant" would be the savior of DreamWorks?
Looks like they plan to ride this puppy into the ground. What the hey. It keeps those paychecks coming, right?
this franchise is the most awful pile of tripe the feature animation industry has ever produced.
'Shrek' is proof that audiences are positively starved for good entertainment or they are simply incredibly, incredibly stupid.
Good morning. Wait until your 58? to see what's on TV, Movie's, or even radio?
I've been saying this for years that the mom's and dad's out there are just looking for entertainment for both themselves and the kids to enjoy, and with a "G" rating. But I must say I only seen the first Mr J. movie, and to me it was just a disney classics put down?
It was a honor to be a part of the traditional animation in the 90's
A 1991 Calarts guy.
if shrek doesnt live up to DW's expectations then what? stopped seeing them after the first one
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