As expected, it's huge for Spidey:
"Spider-Man 3" sold a record $59 million worth of tickets during its first day of release across North America, and is on track to break the industry mark for an opening weekend, according to estimates issued Saturday by the film's distributor.
And here are some of Friday's other numbers and rankings:
Disturbia (#2) takes in $2,080,000. The Invisible (#3) collects $1,200,000. Lucky You opens at a lacklustre #6, grossing $910,000 (and the counter-programming lands with a dull thud.).
Blades of Glory at #7 makes $795,000 for a $110.1 million total. Hot Fuzz, at eighth position, reaps $680,000 for a $14.8 million total. And #9 Meet the Robinsons is within inches of a $90 million domestic gross as it takes in $795,000.
Clearly, Spider Man the Third vacumed a lot of oxygen molecules from the air.
Update: And the weekend finals are in. As the Big Trade Paper puts it:
'Spider-Man 3' snared $148 million at the U.S. box office.
"Spider-Man 3" spun a wide B.O. web over the weekend, riding a record 4,252 theater count to $148 million -- shattering the record for biggest opening weekend at the North American B.O.
Sony's third pic based on the Marvel superhero character also leapt easily over several other major box office records, including biggest opening day of all time, with $59 million, and biggest worldwide opening weekend, with $375 million.
The exuberance of Sony brass was evident Sunday morning, as they trumpeted the likelihood of not just another sequel but multiple sequels.
"There'll be a fourth and a fifth and sixth and a seventh," Sony Pictures Entertainment co-chair Amy Pascal told Daily Variety. "As many stories as Peter Parker has to tell, we'll do sequels."
Yes, indeedy. We'll bet the Sony folks are exuberant. Everybody's going to be rich RICH RICH. (Even with the major talent raking off 25% of the gross.)
The good news for the animation community: #7 Meet the Robinsons had the second smallest drop in box office during the Spidey hurricane. (#2 Disturbia had the smallest with 36.6%) The bad news: MTR dropped 49.1%. Even so, the family Robinson now stands just shy of $92 million in total box office.
Another piece of good news: Wilbur and the gang aren't Drew Barrymore. Her picture, the #6 Lucky You, arrived still-born with a $2.5 million opening weekend. Ouch.
I was thinking maybe MTR can hit 100M before Shrek comes out. now I don't even know if it can.
Saw Spidey 3. Major disappointment. I loved the second one... it was pretty close to being the ideal super-hero movie. This one had good stuff, a lot of campy crap, dragging moments and way too long. Venom was underused and IMO shouldn't have been in there. Too cluttered of a story. It's almost like they said let's throw as much stuff against the wall and they're bound to like it. Unfortunately, it'll still make a ton of money. But it doesn't deserve to... the old phrase too many cooks spoil the brew comes to mind.
I wonder how the Disney managment feels about Robinson's performance at the box-office ? Just shy of $92 million sounds like a lot of money at first glance, but I've read that the movie cost at least $100 million to make. (is that true ? seems plausible , but I never know for sure; you hear such conflicting information) So it might make it to $100 million at the first-run box office before it ends up in the dollar theaters to eke out a bit more , but if the conventional wisdom is true that a movie has to do double it's cost to just break-even , then it doesn't look too rosey from a financial standpoint.
Hopefully it will make back the costs when it goes to DVD ?
Let's hope MTR limps along and eeks a few more mil out... with international it is well over the 100 mil mark already. It's a good movie and it was fun to make (very rare). I'm hoping it does HUGE dvd sales - maybe disney/pixar will use their distribution arm to push it hard.
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