Monday, October 29, 2007

Another Hulett "How To" -- Appian Way

Appian Way #1

A half-century ago, Ralph Hulett spent a year painting in Europe. He took a leave of absence from the background painting job at Disney, leased the house, packed up the family and went.

He used subject matter that he collected during that year for oil, watercolor and acrylic paintings of all sizes and shapes for the remainder of his life. This step-by-step Italian landscape, rendered in acrylics, is but one.

Appian Way #2

"Halfway around the world, I saw this ancient roadway. After two thousand years of use, this old Appian Way is still in remarkably good condition..."

Appian Way #3

"The day this scene was painted, it had just been drenched in a spring shower. Everything was still wet when the sun broke through the coulds and made the old road sparkle. It seemed to be harking back to the golden days of the Roman Empire..."

Appian Way #4

"The Appian Way was painted with a bristle brush on illustration board."

-- Ralph Hulett

Appian Way #5

(The colors used in this painting: white and cadmium yellow; cad. oxide green, blue and white, burnt umber, and raw sienna. But you can probably see that if you look closely at the painting directly above...)


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