Another painting shown step-by-step by Ralph Hulett:

(From the first of his Walter Foster art books: "Painting People and Places.")

"The Ginza is a world-famous shopping district in Tokyo, Japan. Many of the shoppers still wear their native costumes. As I walked through this interesting series of shops and observed such scenes as the one above, I could help but think of Utamrao and his beautiful Japanese women..."

(Hulett painted this scene in 1963, on assignment for the U.S. Air Force.)

"The classical Asian simplicity certainly influenced my thinking in this composition. Another reason for selecting this painting for the book, is to emphasize the use of white paper as an important part of the finished picture..."

"This watercolor was done entirely with controlled washes on dry paper."
-- Ralph Hulett
(Most of the time, when Hulett did watercolors, it was on wet paper...)
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