Everybody is aware of our... ah ... economic problems. But on a micro-economic level I think the animation biz has reached a new level.
Because yesterday, when I was walking through one of our fine, signator studios, the first six people I talked to said the following without prompting:
"I am really glad to be working."
Now. I get people telling me this here and there. And I've gotten more of it in the last couple of months.
But a half dozen people people in a row telling me this without prompting? A new record.
They must be really, really happy. Or a little bit ... I donno ... uptight.
I'm sure management plays on this fear this for all of it's worth. Oh wait, they did!
Seeing as how the job losses of the last 5 months of 2008 have been adjusted upwards quite a bit, it's quite obvious bush and the gop's inaction contributed mightily to this economic downturn. Asleep at the wheel. But after 9/11, we're used to that. Now they're the party of "no" and attempted obstruction. Of course, their continued contribution to solving the problem has made things worse. Why can't they admit their failure and get behind SOLVING THE PROBLEM? After our President consulted and incorporated 2 of their major concerns in the stimulus bill, they whine they're not being listened to. Makes me happy I'm a conservative independent who GLADLY SUPPORTS President Obama, and will do what bush never asked America to do while getting into an expensive, un-needed war in Iraq: SACRIFICE.
Sad to admit it's fun watching the gop implode, with 87% of Americans agreeing with President Obama's plans.
We're right back to that same world that Walt carved out a beginning in. Welcome home, Disney! Take full advantage!
Since it's the 1930's all over again -- let's make some classic animated films.
After all, that's what Walt did.
I'm working right now, and I've never been happier in this industry. In this economy, people are looking at what really matters and I think that with bring about more quality. I think this is the perfect opportunity for great projects to come to the forefront. I may be overly optimistic but I think morale in this biz was pretty low in the recent past and things could start looking up.
I am thrilled to have an animation job even if its project based. The animation industry seems to still be in its own strange time of trying to settle out. The drop in jobs and the market in recent is staggering, I really hope the crazy spending will stop, because it will definitely make things worse down the line. And it is certainly giving big companies a reason to cut back on their own spending which in turn is of course jobs.
Thank you, Mr. Norman! I've been saying that for a while now, but no one listens to me.....
The Dow Jones Industrial Average is coming off a 379-point surge, its biggest gain in more than four months.
This is GREAT NEWS. After tax season, we can expect further growth and an upswing in the economy.
8 years under a retarded dunderhead will TRULY be over!
Above, you are way too optimistic. And the manner in which you are connecting short term market thinking to political policy is myopic. Leave that to the CNBC 'experts.'
Agreed. Even the so called experts can't agree how long this will last. Some say 18 months more, some say at leat two more years.
Companies like Microsoft posted profits last quarter, and they still layed off 700 people.
One economist was proposing a moratorium on the income tax for a period (can't remember how long). I like that idea.
This anon from Wednesday, March 11, 2009 8:01:00 AM
I think he's little confused and uninformed. A one day gain after weeks of historic losses in the market doesn't mean squat. Must be a kid.
As long as the current bean-counter mentality pervades every single major studio, it's going to be next to impossible to be able to break the creative stagnancy that has the industry by the throat.
Or the government will have to try to break up the media monopolies set up during the Clinton administration so that more than one set of bean-counters has a say of what gets on the air.
Youtube, kids. Get your own project going and make something happen!
"Sad to admit it's fun watching the gop implode, with 87% of Americans agreeing with President Obama's plans."
Umm...not sure where you get 87% agree with Obama's plans. Infact, 300 economists (3 of which are Nobel Prize winners) put out a full page ad opposing the the stimulus.
Bush started the destruction of the country and Obama is going to finish it.
Come back and sing praises of Obama in 2 years when we have runaway hyperinflation and the dollar is worth nothing. This spending has to stop.
This new administration group is even more out of control than the last.
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