Today was DreamWorks Animation 401(k) day, where I rolled on campus to perform one of my mesmerizing, rib-tickling 401(k) enrollment meetings. After the meeting (held on DreamWorks' patio since I got bumped out of my usual meeting room), I rambled over to the freshly expanded Lakeside Building (pictured above) ...
The building has a lot more footage and two new floors. I didn't know about the new floors until a story artist told me a week ago he was now working "on the fifth floor."
Fifth floor?
Turns out there is one, and The Croods development teams are up there working on the new DWA picture, with lots of board artists drawing on Cintiqs. I ran into a guy I last saw at a different company across town, who told me:
"I've worked at every studio in L.A., and DreamWorks has better morale than any of them. [Studio X], my last place, just seemed totally directionless. The artists kept wondering what we were doing, where we were going. We just seemed to go in circles and the managers were clueless*.
"But here? They have an actual plan."
* I'll keep the identity of the studio of which the artist speaks under wraps. For all our sakes.
"* I'll keep the identity of the studio of which the artist speaks under wraps. For all our sakes."
That's ok, I know how Disney hates it when you bad mouth them.
He could also be referring to SPA
You'll get nuthin from me.
Dang. That's a nice lookin place. I'll take a job, please.
"You'll get nuthin from me.
Your response already says volumes.
>Dang. That's a nice lookin place. I'll take a job, please.
It's a prison. Don't be fooled.
Disney's future is looking bright, thank you very much.
**Disney's future is looking bright, thank you very much.**
Ah. I take it you aren't aware of its upcoming release slate?
Wow; a prison? You mean no one can leave when they want to?
Well, people are under multi-year contracts there. Sorry to hear about their indentured servitude.
flat 4 year contract.
That explains the relatively higher morale than other studios I visit.
I'd have high morale if I had lilypads.
not when they come out of your paycheck
NYAH NYAH NYAH NYAH! My school is better than YOURS! Children....YOU GOT A JOB.
Ah. I take it you aren't aware of its upcoming release slate?
No, I am aware.
You sound bitter. Maybe you should just quit.
"NYAH NYAH NYAH NYAH! My school is better than YOURS! Children....YOU GOT A JOB."
Well, duh. What're you even talking about?
I don't read anyone from DW whining OR rah-rahing on a juvenile level.
How about this:
Contract=better than NO contract/week to week
Employment=better than unemployment
Success at boxoffice=better than...not much success at B.O.
You gonna argue that?
It's not school, it's a studio.
"You sound bitter. Maybe you should just quit."
Why bother when they'll be laid off soon enough? Right alongside the not-so-bitter.
Id rather the bitter people quit and make room for those who want to stay here, and are excited about the upcoming films.
Things still sound shaky over there? It has been a long time, hoping the tide will turn.
it's entertainment. exactly when is that not shaky.
11:07 AM. Shouldn't you be working hard at your station than trolling the Tag Blog?
That's ok, I know how Disney hates it when you bad mouth them. He could also be referring to SPA. "You'll get nuthin from me.
Nuthin'."Your response already says volumes.Volumes.
>Dang. That's a nice lookin place. I'll take a job, please. It's a prison. Don't be fooled. **Disney's future is looking bright, thank you very much.**
Ah. I take it you aren't aware of its upcoming release slate? Wow; a prison? You mean no one can leave when they want to? yes. Well, people are under multi-year contracts there. Sorry to hear about their indentured servitude. flat 4 year contract.That explains the relatively higher morale than other studios I visit. I'd have high morale if I had lilypads.not when they come out of your paycheck. NYAH NYAH NYAH NYAH! My school is better than YOURS! Children....YOU GOT A JOB. Nuff Sed.
what the fuck was that
Actually, Annon 1:38pm was presenting a condensed version of the thread above-probably,to emphasize the rambling, indulgent nature of some of TAG's members.
Thanks Annon 1:38
... and lunch is still free.
I dont about you guys, but at least this thread is entertaining
**Id rather the bitter people quit and make room for those who want to stay here, and are excited about the upcoming films.**
*Staying* is the issue, junior.
When you get tossed out the door after those "exciting" films premiere (either well or badly, makes no difference in THIS place) we'll see who's bitter then.
Haha. Junior. Im on my 9th film.
Shut up.
Hahahah bitch slap.
Please don't stop. So much fun reading this.
Notice how tolerant I am? Not deleting anything?
**Haha. Junior. Im on my 9th film.
Shut up.**
And still so naive?
Grow up.
Not naive. I just get tired of bitter people who do nothing but complain. And half the time, its those same people who under achieve. Then layoffs come and, big surprise, guess who gets the ax?
Your coworkers will only humor your Debbie Downer attitude for so long before they turn on you. A word to the wise from your "naive" studio-mate.
Why Mister 9, I'll bet every which way you look is down. Those you call underachievers are helping to make the films what they are: successful. Do you think if their work was so under-par, that the studio would let their work get printed? Have you ever worked on a film that although you were getting paid for working on, just didnt seem to have what it takes to be a hit? Or has all of your nine been a hit? There shall come a day......and just WHAT will you have to show for?
No, Im not the best but Im also not the worst. And Im also my own biggest critic. But way to demonize me to try and make your point.
All I do, is do my work and I dont complain about the upcoming slate (which is what spurred this whole debate). I know my place. Maybe you think you should be directing the films?
And yes, a lot of sub-par work gets printed, as it is with all films. So I make it my job to be above par, dont complain, and be optimistic. Weird how I stay employed that way.
Wow, its just that easy. It takes nothing else.
What a way to convince yourself that you are better than others and have nothing to worry about.
I've seen many above par, uncomplaining, optimistic people shown the door at Disney.
Wow. You didnt even read my post. I literally, LITERALLY said, Im not the best but Im not the worst, and then you turn around and accuse me of saying Im better than others.
I've seen many above par, uncomplaining, optimistic people shown the door at Disney.
So have I, many of my friends (and some of them came back too). Im not saying everything's perfect. Im really ONLY saying one thing:
Things are looking better now than they have in a long time, so a bit of optimism and less grumpiness would really go a long way. Is that really such a tall order? Damn!
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