>TAG Interview with Ed Gombert
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We continue with Mr. Gombert's tales of the animation biz ...
>TAG Interview with Ed Gombert
We continue with Mr. Gombert's tales of the animation biz ...
The thoughts and observations of the leaders of The Animation Guild (TAG), Local 839 IATSE. Jason MacLeod is the Business Representative, KC Johnson is the President. Mike Sauer is Assistant to the Business Representative.
This weblog reflects their individual personal opinions and does not necessarily represent the official position of the Animation Guild.
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Great interview with Ed Gombert.
While visiting Burny Mattinson at Disney in the seventies I thought of Ed as the young kid. Now, Gombert sounds like the old veteran. Boy, how time flies in this crazy business.
Ed WAS a young kid. But then, so was I.
The calendar keeps dropping days.
Speaking of which, the next TAG interview will be appearing on Wednesday. I don't know if we'll be hewing to a weekly schedule. It depends on how many sit-downs I manage to do. Ive got commitments from a number of interesting people, but not yet dates for the interview sessions.
We'll keep you informed.
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