Down below, commenters point out the idiocy of a Business Week reporter. But I have another nit to pick, because BW says::
Top Pixar creative font John Lasseter has remade Disney's stumbling animated studio, replacing the director for the upcoming American Dog and jumping in to overhaul the recent Meet the Robinsons. The latter flick is approaching $100 million, a rarity these days for Disney-made animated films.
Nobody admires Mr. Lasseter's talents more than I do, and he's great for WDFA. But it would be nice if Business Week had a stronger grip on reality:
Chicken Little -- $135,386,665
Meet the Robinsons -- $96,224,551*
* Still in release. Barely.
Geez, if I had a nickel for every journalist who knows absolutely nothing about animation, writing an article about animation...
It's sad, because it makes me question the veracity in all other articles.
WDFA? I thought it was WDAS now?
How about "Disney Animation"?
how about they make a good movie.
Have they started building the new animation building yet?
So is John trying to move all the animation over to Glendale?
If so, I guess he's trying to have control over the creative process so the corporate culture can't corrupt creativity?
I hope he succeeds if that's his plan.
I hope Disney's focus is on 2D animated fair and leave the 3D to Pixar.
I hope they don't.
I hope they do keep doing 3d. Bowler Hat Guy was the best animation I've seen in a while. "Meet The Robinsons" was awful as a film though. Felt more like a jumbled version of "Back to the Future".
There was some great animation on Chicken Little as well (Chuck Cluck). But the movie itself was terrible.
Rufus out!
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