If you thought Dan Thompson's two posters for his Gallery 839 show were impressive, you should have been here for the opening of his Gallery 839 show on Friday.

Dan really knocked himself out putting this show together, and he was rewarded with a good turnout of guests viewing his "urban folk art". And he sold three pieces!

If you're a TAG member, active or inactive, who's interested in having a show at the Guild's art gallery, just contact me for details. Right now, there are openings available starting in April 2011.

Yes. Nice show, nice gallery, nice everything. But you gotta take out those benches. They are top-heavy. Someone puts a foot up on one end, or they sit down on one end, the bench tips over. Was a subject of discussion during the show. At least nobody got hurt. Yet.
Nice show and excellent use of pink. Thank you Dan. Hehe.
The issue with the benches was noted before, and we're planning to remount the outer legs to be closer to the end of the bench so that they won't tip. You're right that we need to pull them from the gallery until that's done.
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