Last month, Steve Kaplan posted about the rally for employees of Technicolor Glendale who are seeking to be represented by the Editors Guild IATSE Local 700. The representation vote is coming up on Wednesday, and above is a flyer with the opinions of some of the union supporters at the facility (click on the version above to see a larger version.)
Sarnoff must be sh!tting a brick...
Must take balls of steel to allow yourself to be featured on a flyer. Major props to these guys. If Technicolor attempts retribution against them, I hope the Editor's Union sues the pants off em.
Cool, unionize and watch your jobs leave this country.
^--- you clearly support the free market... Either believe in it, and live with the consequences or don't, and grow up and own up to it's realities... You can't be against unions, and against jobs going overseas at the same time. They are adverse to each other, just like the addled hemispheres of your noggin'.
"Cool, unionize and watch your jobs leave this country."
I'm recently certain Technicolor is not a charity (certainly not with Tim Sarnoff in charge.)
That being the case, why would they need the excuse of a union vote as an excuse to send work out of the country?
If they could send their work to Canada or Taiwan or South Korea NOW, why aren't they doing it?
Could it be because, just maybe, they need these guys' skills? And if these guys know that Sarnoff needs them, why would they be afraid of putting their faces and opinions on the flyer?
Next time you see pictures of those guys it will be on the back of a milk carton under the heading "Have you seen me?"
Oh hey now, as bad as Sarnoff was compared to Bob Osher he is damn near saintly....
There's a reason they call SPI "Osh-witz" ya know?
Cool, unionize and watch your jobs leave this country.
The only problem with this ignorant comment is that the biggest oursourcers in animation are the non-union studios.
Two things.
One...Being a Union shop doesn't prevent the work from going Overseas or not.
And two.....Sarnoff is a giant Douche.
"Sarnoff must be sh!tting a brick..."
As big as an a-hole as he is, I doubt he'd feel it.
BTW, is Deluxe union?
The union was voted down yesterday, by 50 votes. FYI
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