*ADD ON: Updated Video files after the jump due to YouTube limitations

Mike today, hanging his paintings at Gallery 839.
In the second half of Michael's audio interview, he discusses the dynamics of animation and the Disney features that inspired him ...
TAG Interview with Michael Cedeno
Find all TAG Interviews on the TAG website at this link
Note: We put the entire Cedeno interview up in video form for you today. (Video, of course, is new. We continue to divide the audio version into two parts. We are kind of experimenting here, learning and morphing as we go. On yesterday's post, we inserted a short video piece with Mr. Cedeno discussing his paintings.)
Kaplan here: I'm aware the intro slide needs work. This was put together quickly to flush out the process. I'll be working on creating a nicer intro background in the future.
Apologies for the YouTube error. Apparently we'll have to split the video interviews along with the audio ones. This is all part of the learning process.
GREAT interview. Cedeno is truly one of the best animators around, and a fabulous painter, too.
Shame I still haven't saw "Oilspot and Lipstick" yet. I had a chance to obtain a 35mm print of it someone sold on eBay one year but couldn't afford it. Shorts like that need to get a release on DVD one day alongside other side projects like "Off His Rockers", "Lorenzo" and many others over the past 30 years or so (I suppose "Destino" already showed up someplace).
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