We just received word from a TAG member:
It is with a very heavy heart that we regretfully inform friends and colleagues of the passing of Kevyn Wallace.
On September 14th, at 3am, Kevyn succumbed to the injuries he sustained after being hit by a drunk driver on August 9th, 2011.
Kevyn was 48.
Kevyn was an accomplished Feature Animation Layout Artist having quietly spent much of his formidable career at Disney, Universal and Film Roman. At the time of his death, he was working on his own documentary chronicling the history of African-American Artists in Animation and their invaluable contributions to the industry.
Kevyn's family would like to extend their gratitude for all of the love, the well-wishes, the cards and the positive thoughts sent to Kevyn - and to them - during this very difficult time.
We cordially invite you to join us in honoring Kevyn on his birthday...
A Life Celebration of Kevyn Wallace
Friday, September 23, 2011 at 7pm
Art Center College of Design
1700 Lida Street
Pasadena, CA 91103-1999
We also understand that donations to the LAC+USC Burn Center would be welcome in lieu of flowers...
We are also planning a fundraiser/art auction as a gift from our community to Kevyn's family, to help with costs incurred ...
(Please continue to check back for further updates...)
Going through studios like I do, I was used to seeing Kevyn in office and cubicle, working on this feature and that. He was always cheerful, always upbeat.
Forty-eight is way too young to leave the Parade, but none of us know when the band will stop playing and our time will arrive to move on. Here's to you, Mr. Wallace.
(Cartoon Brew also put up a notice of Kevyn's death)
Kevyn Made Black look Beautiful. I would pass him in the hallway and always eyelock with a hello. I didn't really know what he did, but we talked some toward my end and he talked about doing something with recording music. What music was at that time escapes me as I was becoming more detached from the airwaves. When I first heard about this, I was afraid it was him, not remembering his name but recalling his face (see beautiful disclaimer above), and as it turns out, it was him and I am really sorry about this happening. Alcohol intoxication is much too prevalent, and there is little we can do about it. Just pray you are kept out of the way.....
Kevyn was one of those guys who was somewhat intimidating with his quiet good looks. I used to kind him that he was the "best-looking man alive" when I'd see him on his way to class. He always waved it off, as all truly beautiful but modest people do... Always liked that about him. The dude did some great art, too. The ease with which he drew came from the soul - not from his head - and it showed. I'll miss Kevyn a lot, like everyone who knew him well... Fare the well, my friend - God's speed
Kevin was my neighbor at Disney Feature for a few years. He was soft spoken and very cool, did I say COOL! He was well liked and had people visiting him all day long, especially the ladies. I don't even remember how it started but I would call him "Sassafras" and he called me "Salsajazz". He would just walk by me and say "Salsajaaaaazz"
and it always cracked me up. Kevin was a very talented artist and could often be seen at figure drawing classes. He was always learning and researching. He will be missed.
Kevyn was a cool guy that I had gotten to know over the years. We were always in a lot of drawing classes together and even cg workshops. It's really sad to hear this news. R.I.P. my friend
My heart is so heavy today, I worked with Kevyn at Disney and we were fellow students at Freedman and Studio Arts, what a beautiful and talented man, I for one will miss him deeply!
"Rest In Peace Kevyn"!
My prayers are with his family!
With much sorrow!
Vernette Griffee
The animation community has lost a very special person. I never worked in studio with Kevyn but got to know him through various classes and educational events for animation. He was a dedicated artist, inspirational, humble and he was always...always...incredibly kind. 'so sad at our loss. The world needs people like Kevyn.
Kathy Baur-Brigstocke
I worked with Kevyn on Land Before Time II, III, & IV. He was such a nice young man and a good artist. I hope his family knows how much we all liked and respected Kevyn, and how much we will miss him.
OMG.... I just cant believe this. I have not heard from Kevin in a year. He did not return my emails or calls when I tried to contact him. Finaly, I googled his name and found this post. Honestly, I had a feeling that he was in an accident or something happened to him. This is so HeartBreaking! For a short time, he was my friend and I really loved him. I wish I told him how much he meant. God Bless you for posting this!
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