The media narrative on Rango is getting pretty well fixed.
Verbinski and his motley crew (with the help of some heavyweights at ILM, who themselves were wading into new waters) made the year’s weirdest and best animated film ...
In other words: "The small renegade band pulls it off."
Pretty irresistable legend and myth, and I keep seeing it in different places, so I think the thing is taking hold. I'm all for renegades, but I'm not sure this qualifies.
I would like to see one of the DWA offerings take the Little Gold Man, but if it ends up being Mr. Verbinski and his crew, bully for them.
One of the largest and oldest VFX companies and one of the most powerful directors in Hollywood banded together in a small ramshackle million dollar home in La Cañada and together made their dreams come true of making a huge budget animated movie with the biggest star in Hollywood.
Dare to dream kids!
According to his bio, Verbinski did not come from a Hollywood legacy family but rather from Oak Ridge, Tennessee. So, yes dare to dream kids and don't let bitter pricks like Anon #1 get in your way.
What does his bio have to do with his (well deserved) status as a director? Since you don't understand this is not a knock against the film at all but the publicity drive to make it seem like the little guy that dared to reach for the stars leaves a bad taste, especially when films like Chico & Rita and A Cat in Paris deserve that status far more.
Who says they deserve it more? You? That's great! I hope, for your sake, the members of the Academy agree with you.
You're still not getting it.
To bad it lost money.
Anon#1 is awesome!
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