We received these messages from TAG President Emeritus Tom Sito and Art Director Brian McEntee regarding Martha Baxton, one of the pillars of the animation department at Cal Arts, and thought we would pass them along...
From Tom:
For several years I taught storyboard at the Cal Arts Character Animation Department in Valencia, California. While there, I met a lot of wonderful and talented teachers as well as students. At the center of that wildly eclectic three-ring circus was department chair Frank Terry and administrator Martha Baxton.
For untold years Martha was always on hand to clear up administrative problems, arbitrate and advise. For the teachers as well, if there was a glitch in the system, we just let Martha know and it was fixed. But Martha was much more than a capable administrator. She was the bedrock of the Cal Arts Character animation department, the den mother of a bunch of wildly talented people, ever providing a ready smile, a nose-wipe and a shoulder to cry on.
She never asked anything for herself, but tragedy has struck her, and now she needs us. I just found out there is going to be a big charity art auction to help Martha Baxton of Cal Arts on Sept. 9th. They need help and donations. Go here for the complete story.
I can't begin to list all the top animators, filmmakers, producers, studio heads and Academy Award winners who at one time in their Cal Arts years relied upon Martha. Well, now Martha needs to rely upon us. Let's show what we are made of. Please support and donate for Martha's sake.
And from Brian:
Throughout the years Martha Baxton has helped innumerable folks in the Cal Arts Character Animation department - not by giving art instruction, but giving what was maybe even more important: love, support, friendship and a willingness to hear us and help us out. Martha was always there when and if anyone needed her. Now it's our turn to help.
This Silent Auction has been organized to be held in the CalArts main gallery on Saturday, Sept. 9, 5:00 pm, in the hopes of raising funds to help with Martha's husband, Larry's, mounting hospital bills.
Artwork donations are needed! Please donate: original works, production pieces, collectibles, or anything else you think would be of interest to other animation folks such as yourself.
If you're able, we urge you to help Martha out.
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