Several years back, Mark rolled out his homage to 1930s cartoons, It's the Cat. Mark explains that it took him over a decade to do it, since he was doing most of the creative tasks himself. But the piece is (happily) long-finished, and Mark has shown it at film festivals around the world to good results ...
TAG Interview with Mark Kausler
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Mark is now working on another short (as he explains during the interview) and hopes to have it out in the not-distant future. (You can define "not distant" however you like.)
What a great interview! He's one of the most kind guys out there.
Mark is a wonderful guy, terrific animator. Where is "It's the Cat" being hosted ?
I met Mark at the first CTN Expo two years ago. I knew of him and his work, and I couldn't have been happier to find out he's a nice, chatty, fun guy as well as a terrific animator.
Great interview with Mark! His short "It's the Cat" is seen on Episode #3 (part 1) of my "Kustomonsters and Friends" show on the web and KLHU TV 45 Lake Havasu AZ. You can peek at it here...
Hi Craig,
I thought your TV show was defunct. Do you owe me any money yet for the film rental? I haven't heard from you in quite some time, so this is news to me. Please get in touch with me at kausler@att.net.
Thanks, Craig, Mark
Oops! (Craig banging head against wall right now)
Mark, The Kustomonsters is still in production, one cartoon at a time. Please check your email for an update!
Regards, Craig
Everything is OK, Craig is having a slow launch with "The Kustomonsters", but maybe someday we'll see a dollar or two in revenue! Thanks for getting back to me, sir.
Best Regards, Mark
Like noticing Mark comparing "Puffy AmiYumi" to "Pink Lady" like that (I kinda dig PL's music). I guess given they're one of the few J-Pop acts that ever made any dent on American shores, that's the best we'll get ("Shonen Knife" is another one I can think of).
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