Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Left Wing Bilge

... polluting the minds of our children:

During his Tuesday night show, [Lou] Dobbs dubbed Disney’s Arrietty and Universal’s Lorax “insidious nonsense from Hollywood,” then he announced: “Hollywood is once again trying to indoctrinate our children.”

Arrietty, about four-inch people who “borrow” what they need from normal-sized humans, encourages class envy and redistribution of wealth, according to Dobbs, while Lorax is just another example of environmental radicalism. “So, where have we all heard this before?” Dobbs asks after showing a clip from each of the two films. ...

I know, Lou! I know!

You want insidious, I'll give you insidious:

But then, what would you expect from two well-known Hollywood Lefties like James Stewart and Frank Capra? Happily, their yuletide ode to liberalism tanked at the box office and was never heard from again.

(They had the audacity to attack the banks. The banks! Who only do good in the world, as we all know. This indoctrination crapola has been going on for a looong time.)


Anonymous said...

Who is lou dobbs? Never heard of him.

juliahubnerisnice said...

Please tell me this is your attempt at sarcasm because if its not you are being unkind. Frank Capra was a great many things, all of them GOOD. It's a Wonderful Life is one of many Frank Capra Films that are immortal classics. Even people that disagree with some of his views respect the man. Look, I am more than just a huge fan of the man, so please try and understand my reaction to your negative diatribe. And one last note, again, if this was a joke it was in poor taste, but I am sorry for having been so forward.

Anonymous said...

^^ Are you being ironic in your obliviousness to the irony in this post??

Man, this is getting too meta for me.

Anonymous said...

ARRIETTY was so beautiful. I hope Lou Dobbs does not discourage any of his viewers from seeing that lovely film.

Anonymous said...

I get all my movie reviews from Lou Dobbs!

Anonymous said...

dobbs is a racist bigot, who's ideas align much too close to Naitionalist Socialism for comfort. He makes wingnut pat buchanan look damned moderate by comparison.

Anonymous said...

The thing is, Hollywood likes to preach at times. And there are people out there who think that, all things, considered, Hollywood has no business preaching to ANYONE. And Hollywood is very left-wing. Duh. So naturally there's suspicion and resentment.

If anyone thinks Hollywood doesn't try to slip political messages into children's films, take a gander at Imagi's Astro Boy movie. There's a scene where the movie's villain is trying to get re-elected to office, and he's holding a press conference. Above him is a blue banner reading: "It's Not Time For Change". Now come on. Really. And people wonder why some folks get pissed at Hollywood.

Anonymous said...

Except Arrietty's not a Hollywood production, so connecting it to Obama is ridiculous, and The Lorax isn't so much a political statement as a common sense moral. Are we not allowed to have THOSE in films anymore?

Floyd Norman said...

Give me a break. "Lefty Hollywood" is all about making money. The more the better.

Then again, maybe it's easier being a liberal when you're rich.

Anonymous said...

The high profile creative people in Hollywood who make millions tend to be outspoken in their liberal point of view, hence Hollywood's 'liberal' reputation.

The truth is that the low profile business people and corporations in Hollywood who make billions are die hard conservatives, through and through.

Hollywood is and has always been a conservative institution at its heart, and always will be.

pffft! said...

sarchasm :. (sär'kăz'əm). 1. (n.) The abyss between the creator of witticisms and the intended recipient who does not find the humor in it, or does not understand the humour in it.

This is responding to Julia especially, who's room temperature IQ caused me to laugh.

Steve Hulett said...

Please tell me this is your attempt at sarcasm because if its not you are being unkind. ...

It's irony, Julia. I-ro-ny.

Sarcasm, if you will. And I know that particular brand doesn't translate well on the intertubes, but still. Thought it was pretty obvious.

Capra and Stewart were both Republicans. Both served with distinction in WWII. Capra supervised the "Why We Fight" film series, and today is considered one of the 20th century's iconic film-makers.

Stewart was an Academy award winner and decorated combat veteran, flying 22 combat missions with the Eighth Air Force over Europe. He retired as a Brigadier General out of the Air Force reserves.

Despite the above, Capra was harassed by witch-hunting congress critters during the 1940s. (He went to director John Ford for help in fending them off so he could continue working. Those were interesting times.)

Was It's a Wonderful Life left wing? Sure, if you look at it a political polemic. (The "Workers Daily" gave it a glowing review at the time of its release.)

But if you read the new testament as politics, Jesus Christ is a redistributionist: Sell your possessions, give your money to the poor, and follow me."

The loons are forever with us. Now instead of commies as the enemy, it's Muslims. (No small irony there: congressmen that scream about "religious freedom!" in one breath, call for rounding up followers of Islam in another.)

Uncle Lou -- now on Fox -- is out for headlines and news copy. I'm happy to help him along.

Anonymous said...

Wow Julia. Wow.

Anonymous said...

I have never posted on here before. But... just... I mean...

Somebody please tell me that JuliaHuber post is deliberate trolling. It's just a joke, right? Right?

Because... I mean... come on... if you really... if you were that... life would be impossible... I mean... you wouldn't be able to work out how to use, say, door handles... or...

Anonymous said...

Even funnier is how "Hollywood" is blamed, yet in this case Hollywood was barely involved. Arriety was produced in Japan and based on a 1952 English novel. And Lorax was produced in France and based on a 1971 children's book. Beyond distribution, Hollywood had little to do with these films (especially when compared to other "children's films"), and the source material is older than the parents of today's children.

Anonymous said...

Well, the Barrower's bombed, I still would see it though.

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with teaching children or ANYONE that irresponsibility is BAD, and that personal responsibility is key to our future?

The group that needs to learn this MOST are gNOp-ers and tea baggers. They all want something for nothing.
Besides, I thought they'd be too busy pushing big government into American Citizen's private lives to actually CARE about children--or anyone else but themselves.

Anonymous said...

Big fat old men hate movies with strong girl characters. I've noticed this since they started throwing their support behind every Pixar film ever made (and notice nobody attacks Wall-E for environmental/consumeristic messages. Interesting.)

Anonymous said...

There was plenty of whining about Wall-e's message of personal responsibility. By the usual irresponsible suspects.

Anonymous said...

"dobbs is a racist bigot, "

His wife is mexican.

(but don't let that get in the way of the ignorance you want to put on display)

Chris Sobieniak said...

Except Arrietty's not a Hollywood production, so connecting it to Obama is ridiculous,

Especially for a film that came out almost 2 years ago in Japan and based on a book written 60 years before.

and The Lorax isn't so much a political statement as a common sense moral. Are we not allowed to have THOSE in films anymore?

I certainly got the moral. A shame if we can distinguish that anymore.

Anonymous said...

- As has been pointed out Arietty is not a Hollywood movie, and technically neither is the Lorax.

- Some racist slave owners still bedded and married some of their slaves. So Lou Dobbs is still a racist and a hypocrite.

- And cartoons sneaking in political messages? Doesn't he work for Fox. I seem to recall that they have some cartoons that "sneak" political messages in them constantly, I forget what they're called though...

The World said...

Dear “Right Wing” America & Fox News.
Stuff like this makes not just “Left Wing” America think you are all just a bunch of total loons & media puppets, but THE ENTIRE REST OF THE GOD DAMN WORLD think this too.

Please become a REAL and RESPONSABLE news broadcaster that covers & presents WORTHWILE stories in a more plainspoken & unbiased way. Because your version of “Fair and Balanced” is total CRAP.

Everone around the globe is frankly disgusted at how you continue to kibosh a large section of America with your mindless agenda pushing rhetoric.

The World said...

Stevenem, I'm not lecturing anyone on what's wrong with America or Americans, just saying what a lot of us think when we see all that's going on over there with Fox News & the Republican Campaign. Your $over-bloated$ political campaigns in general. It makes everyone really sad and nervous for you guys, it really does. Most of my extended family is state side (Durham, Portland, Washington State, even above you in Canada), and I’ve been over there probably more times than you’ve been anywhere else geographically in your entire life.

But hey, you sure showed me by looking up my location data right there. *Slow clap* Stevenem.... *slow clap*.

stevenem said...

I flattered, The World. You gave me an acknowledgement I don't deserve. I wasn't referring to you. I had no idea that you were Australian, and I don't have the slightest clue as to how to look up your location data. I was referring to actual on-air broadcast commentators. Apparently, American conservative commentators aren't nasty enough, so Mr. Murdoch needs to import them.

Anonymous said...

The gNOp candidates are an embarrassment, and have yet to miss an opportunity to bring embarrassment and shame on America. None of them are qualified to be the leader of anything--much less the U.S. we shouldn't apologize to the world for electing bush TWICE by electing someone from the republikkkan party even dumber than him.

The World said...

My apologies for jumping to the conclusion that your initial comment was somehow pointed at me Stevenem. Cheers

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