On the intertubes I spy images for a big-budget animated feature ...
Wandering around le building de hat (otherwise known as the Roy E. Disney Building), artists have been kind enough to show me some of the props and other handiwork from Ralph.
I'm not going to regale you with descriptions here, but since these images have found their way onto the web, I'll take the opportunity to say I think the picture -- based on the visuals -- is gonna be more than okay. I know they are hiring more crew to get it to your local Bijou and AMC this coming November, and we are always pleased when more people are working.
Looks GREAT! Glad it's not another fairy tale/princess movie or musical.
Wish it was a fairytale/musical. Ralph just seems like a dreamworks film a bad guy who wants to be good? Didn't they make this film I think it was called Megamind.
Looks and Sounds pretty forgettable....
Can they save some money and just send it straight to DVD?
I absolutely disagree with whoever posted the first comment. What exactly do you mean "another" fairy tale/ princess/ musical? Last time I checked the last decade was dominated by action-laden, wisecracking, boy-dominating comedies ala Shrek.
I say bring on the musicals. Disney, of all studios, should not diss their own heritage and be scared of cartoon characters who sing.
Frozen is after Ralph, and in all likelihood is a fairy tale musical. I saw parts of Ralph at an open house and I gotta say it looks pretty great with a much better story than Megamind. And all the cameos from known video game characters is really cool.
Direct to DVD, this is not.
People hated on Tangled before it came out too...And then it made over 600 million dollars
What's coming after "Frozen"?
Is "Mort" still in development at Disney or has it been axed? "Mort" sounded like a pretty cool and original idea; very different from Disney's usual fare.
>> What's coming after "Frozen"?
Princess and the Frog/Tangled Nay Sayers: "It's too much like the other fairy tale movies! They should make something DIFFERENT!"
Wreck it Ralph Nay Sayers: "Disney should stick to FAIRY TALES!!!"
Disney tries their best but you just can't please everyone.
No more fairy tails. And no more bad musicals. Time to dump Menken and old timers like chris montan. Their time has passed.
"Better Story than Megamind".....
...Thats setting the bar pretty low isn't it?
I mean really.... That movie was a mess.
megamind was better than tangled....
If you had told me five years ago that Disney would be making an animated movie about video games starring John C. Reilly and directed by Rich Moore I never would have believed you.
I can't wait to see it.
To the poster that said Megamind is better than Tangled both the critics and box office would disagree. Disney should be doing the type of films that they built their compamy on fantasy, fairytales, musicals. Trying to copy Dreamworks is pathetic
'To the poster that said Megamind is better than Tangled both the critics and box office would disagree.
argument ad populum. The audience is hardly equiped to know a good film from a bad one. Besides, thee was not a huge gap in the rating fro bothe movies(87% vs 73%) As for the critics...I dont really care what they say.
Ultimately my opinion is mine. I enjoyed one better than the other. I have no problem if you dont agree. I'll live!
Disney should be doing the type of films that they built their compamy on fantasy, fairytales, musicals.
Disney should be continually innovating. They used to be the leader in the animation industry and now they're in the middle of the pack.
Rotten Tomatoes has it 90% vs 72%
Thats a pretty significant difference
Disney can be innovating and still do what made them successful in the first place Tangled is the perfect example of that. What saved Disney Feature Animation when it was unsuccessful in the 70s n 80s? Little Mermaid, Beauty n the Beast, Aladdin all fairytales
megamind was better than tangled....
Hush up and go finish your shot on Guardians.
I don't know why everyone always craps on Megamind, I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. Of course I didn't expect much. That said, I'm not expecting much from Ralph either, so maybe I'll enjoy it as well.
Jeez people, lighten up. Not everything can be as awesome as 'Astroboy' :)
Hush up and go finish your shot on Guardians.
make me! and get those toilets cleaned!
Disney can be innovating and still do what made them successful in the first place Tangled is the perfect example of that.
There's only so much you can do in a fairy tale/princess movie though without hitting a wall. Tangled's innovations were mostly technical; formally it's basically same as the 90s flicks, only updated to 2010. That's not a knock against the film as I loved it, but I'd like to see Disney move beyond its comfort zone. You can't play in the same sandbox forever.
"There's only so much you can do in a fairy tale/princess movie though without hitting a wall"
I can't agree with this statement at all. By your logic Dreamworks should never do sequels to Kung Fu Panda, Shrek, and Madagascar because let's face it there's only so much you can do with pandas and ogres without hitting a wall. Yet Dreamworks sequels continue to make 400 million+ no matter how repeative they are. Disney invented the animated fairytale and they have improved it with every version they do. With Wreck-it Ralph it jus seems like Disney is trying to steal another studios approach to making animated films (Dreamworks)
By your logic Dreamworks should never do sequels to Kung Fu Panda, Shrek, and Madagascar because let's face it there's only so much you can do with pandas and ogres without hitting a wall.
You're dead on. I've seen the sequels to all the films you've mentioned and none of them really brought anything new to the table. It's entirely possible to do a sequel that really adds to the original, but I'd argue the above mentioned ones don't.
I don't want Disney to be boxed into a corner stuck with fairy tales. You can't grow that way. Wreck-It Ralph is a bold risk and I hope it pays off.
All of you should just collect stamps for the rest of your miserable lives.
Innovation, best way to win audiences. Wreck-it-Ralph sounds promising on that department. Quite a different cup of tea for Disney. In fact, I find it more Toy Story-esque than a Megamind-look-alike.
The central idea behind Wreck-It Ralph is so clever and (seemingly) obvious that I'm shocked it's taken this long for it to be made into a movie. And by Disney of all companies!
"Disney should be doing the type of films that they built their compamy on fantasy, fairytales, musicals."
No. Bad idea. VERY bad idea. They need to stop living in the past. Good family films don't have to be ANY of those things, nor should they always be.
"No. Bad idea. VERY bad idea. They need to stop living in the past."
Says you. There are plenty of people that want to see Disney make those type of films. I'm not saying every animated film Disney does should be a fairytale but to jus completely stop doing them is insult to Walt and their fans.
Everyone Craps on Megamind, because it was a piece of shit. Can you honestly hold an image of Megamind next to an Image of Tangled and say that Megamind is a better movie?
The Character design and models are crap. They were crap when we saw them the first time in a movie called "Monsters Vs Aliens"... And when you pushed a few Verts around and called them "New Characters" they were still crap.
Lazy cheap film making by committee. Cant wait to see the next big eyed, velvet painting, girl character and bald blue villain you have lined up next. Throw some new shaders on them and call it a masterpiece.
The pictures look nice, but this is post Bolt Disney. We know they can animate a 3D movie now.
But Ralph's character design is *horrible* in my opinion. Just ugly and awkward. It doesn't look like he has the making of an iconic Disney character. from the start And the girl Sarah Silverman is voicing doesn't look good either.
And I hate that it's about video games. Not timeless material there.
Ralph's design looks too much like Sully from Monster's Inc..
WIR actually sounds like fun. I'm glad t's NOT a musical. I'm looking forward to this. Any departure from the tired princess theme is welcomed!
e d
I wish it wasn't about a video game; guess Disney isn't going for timeless any more. I won't be seeing this garbage.
I can't say much that hasn't already been said here, but I can say this: Video games have been around for over thirty years. They have become another pillar of entertainment. They've become more and more relevant as time goes on and will continue to do so, especially since the casual market is increasing. Making a movie about video games isn't necessarily trendy-this could shape up to be something quite timeless.
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